
  • 周五夜盘白银、黄金暴跌 后市止跌位或较11月上移

    01月09日 周五夜盘白银黄金双双暴跌1. 国内现货白银暴跌8.96% 黄金暴跌3.67%据跟踪数据显示,2021年1月8日国内贵金属现货黄金、白银夜盘暴跌,截止9···

    2021-10-27 08:30:24
  • 周五夜伦铅期货震荡走低-铅资讯


    2022-01-05 16:27:01
  • 周五夜盘郑商所白糖期货大幅下挫

    郑商所白糖期货期货周五夜盘大幅下挫YNTW.COM糖网 本周五郑商所白糖期货大幅下挫,创去年9月份以来新低,盘中最低触及5624元,报收5638元,下跌超百余元,跌幅2.29%I···

    2022-08-10 16:34:58
  • 图片新闻|安徽安庆:十天阴雨导致棉花大幅减产

    棉农暗示,估量棉花产量将达幅度下降,少得减产150斤/亩摆布,多得减产300-400斤/亩量化高频轨范集生意期货开户平台: 超低期货手续费佣金+光速生意通道!据勒解,此次连阴雨历石石间···

    2022-11-15 00:29:18
  • 图片新闻|河南夏邑:机杼声声“织”出发展动能


    2022-11-09 15:49:39
  • 图片新闻|安徽望江:油后直播棉实验示范片成为“网红”打卡地


    2022-10-13 06:49:55
  • Soft Call Protection

    英文名称:Soft Call Protection 中文名称:非强制赎回保障可转换定息及债务证券的条款,规定若证券由发行人提前赎回,发行人需支付溢价。···

    2022-01-05 13:21:34
  • Soft Stop Order

    A mental price or percentage set by traders where they will place a buy or sell order. A soft stop order is a position set by traders where they should buy or···

    2022-01-05 15:14:13
  • Soft Money

    1. The "one-time" funding from governments and organizations for a project or special purpose. 2. Paper currency, as opposed to gold, silver, or some other coi···

    2022-01-05 14:30:03
  • Soft Dollars

    A means of paying brokerage firms for their services through commission revenue, as opposed to through normal direct payments (hard dollar fees). The investing···

    2022-01-05 14:30:08
  • Soft Paper Report

    A reference to a lack of confidence in a report's facts or general disrespect for a report's author. A soft paper report should have only one use – as to···

    2022-01-05 14:30:13
  • Soft Patch

    A period of economic slowdown amid a larger trend of economic growth. This buzzword is most often used in the financial media and by the U.S. Federal Reserve t···

    2022-01-05 14:30:14
  • Soft Landing

    A term used to describe a rate of economic growth high enough to avoid recession, but slow enough to avoid high inflation. When the economy is growing at stron···

    2022-01-05 14:30:18
  • Soft Commissions

    Any type of commission that is not paid in actual dollars. Soft commissions allow investment companies and institutional funds to cover some of their expenses···

    2022-01-05 14:30:22
  • Soft Call Provision

    A feature added to convertible fixed-income and debt securities. The provision dictates that a premium will be paid by the issuer if early redemption occurs. |···

    2022-01-05 15:50:18