
  • 非格式合同

    非格式合同目录1、 什么是非格式合同 2、格式合同与非格式合同的划分依据3、 区分格式合同与非格式合同的法律意义 4、 相关条目 非格式合同(Non-Standard Form) 什么···

    2022-02-18 21:09:11
  • Broad-Based Weighted Average Ratchet

    A mechanism seen in early-stage, pre-public companies in response to a subsequent round of financing that involves issuing shares at a lower price than first-s···

    2022-01-05 16:37:54
  • Broad-Based Index

    An index designed to reflect the movement of the entire market. The smallest broad-based index is the Dow Jones Industrial Average with 30 industrial stocks an···

    2022-01-05 16:38:01
  • Broad-Based Weighted Average

    An anti-dilution provision used for the benefit of existing preferred shareholders when additional offerings are made by the corporation. The broad-based weigh···

    2022-01-05 16:38:02
  • Cash-Based Option

    A type of option which is always settled in cash. Upon exercise, the net value to the involved parties are calculated and a cash payment is made to settle the···

    2022-01-05 14:22:21
  • Narrow-Based Weighted Average

    An anti-dilution provision used to ensure that investors are not penalized when companies are undergoing additional financing or issuing new shares. A narrow-b···

    2022-01-05 16:22:33
  • Risk Based Capital Requirement

    英文名称:Risk Based Capital Requirement 中文名称:风险资本要求指从事与风险投资活动相关的银行和机构必须维持的基本流动准备金。···

    2022-01-05 13:39:59
  • Performance-Based Compensation

    An incentive-based form of compensation that is reserved for hedge fund managers or elite portfolio managers. The compensation will almost always be based on a···

    2022-01-05 14:25:11
  • Lattice-Based Model

    An option pricing model that involves the construction of a binomial tree to show the different paths that the underlying asset may take over the option's life···

    2022-01-05 14:19:11
  • Activity-Based Budgeting - ABB

    A method of budgeting in which the activities that incur costs in every functional area of an organization are recorded and their relationships are defined and···

    2022-01-05 14:46:34
  • Value-based Pricing

    英文名称:Value-based Pricing中文名称:以价值为基础的定价指产品定价与需求紧密联系的定价策略,它以目标客户对商品或服务的认可程度作为定价的基本依据。···

    2022-01-05 12:53:24
  • Price-Based Option

    A derivative financial instrument in which the underlying asset is a debt security. Typically, these options give their holders the right to purchase or sell a···

    2022-01-05 15:52:33
  • Yield-Based Option

    A type of debt-instrument-based option that derives its value from the difference between the exercise price and the value of the yield of the underlying debt···

    2022-01-05 15:47:01
  • commodity-based investment


    2022-01-05 12:31:06
  • Activity Based Management - ABM

    英文名称:Activity Based Management 中文名称:以活动为基础的管理指用以活动为基础的成本计算制度改善企业的运营,指导企业有效地执行能创造价值的活动,消除和精简不能创造价···

    2022-01-05 14:05:11