
  • Valuation Analysis

    A form of fundamental analysis that looks to compare the valuation of one security to another, to a group of securities or within its own historical context. V···

    2022-01-05 16:08:44
  • Post-money Valuation

    英文名称:Post-money Valuation 中文名称:交易后估值将外部融资额加入资产负债表后计算而得到的公司价值。···

    2022-01-05 13:38:44
  • Asset Valuation

    The process of determining the current worth of a portfolio, company, investment, or balance sheet item. Taobiz explains Asset ValuationThe tools used for asse···

    2022-01-05 16:39:53
  • Valuation

    英文名称:Valuation 中文名称:估值评定一项资产或一家公司的价值。e.g. Brazil's state-owned oil and gas giant Petrobras said in a statement that its mar···

    2022-01-05 13:24:22
  • Bond Valuation

    A technique for determining the fair value of a particular bond. Bond valuation includes calculating the present value of the bond's future interest payments,···

    2022-01-05 16:05:19
  • Asset Valuation Reserve - AVR

    Capital required to be set aside in order to cover a company against unexpected debt. The asset valuation reserve serves as a backup for equity and credit loss···

    2022-01-05 14:46:18
  • base of valuation


    2022-01-05 12:36:08
  • Fund Valuation Calculation

    基金估值核算(Fund Valuation Calculation)什么是基金估值核算  基金估值核算是指基金会计核算、估值及相关信息披露等业务活动。基金估值核算机构是指从事基金估值核算···

    2022-01-04 14:17:17
  • basis of valuation of property


    2022-01-05 04:06:46
  • Pre-Money Valuation

    A slang phrased that refers to the value of a company's stock before it goes public. The term is often used by venture capitalists. Also known as "pre-money".···

    2022-01-05 16:19:01
  • Actuarial Valuation

    An actuarial valuation is a type of appraisal which requires making economic and demographic assumptions in order to estimate future liabilities. The assumptio···

    2022-01-05 15:12:44
  • 安永报告:59家上市银行2021年净利润合计近2万亿元 非信贷资产风险上升

      随着2021年报披露落下帷幕,上市银行经营业绩、业务结构、资产质量等方面的变化再度吸引了市场的目光。   ···

    2022-05-19 17:57:07
  • 安永:A股IPO年筹资额再创新高 2023年有望常态化高位运行


    2022-12-16 15:56:07
  • “安永企业家奖2022”评选结果盛大揭晓


    2022-12-13 21:20:24
  • 安永陈啸风:下半年汽车行业供应链压力或将持续


    2022-08-11 19:49:31