
  • 怎么写影评赚钱?这3个小技巧要知道!


    2021-08-16 19:50:36
  • 怎么写网络融资炒股计划书?

    首先BP是创业者角度的一个外化。你需要告诉投资人的是:这个市场怎么样,我切了什么什么钱,由于我哪些方面做得好,我有可能会切到哪一块等等。 创业者初期,有可能切到只是一个产业···

    2021-08-25 14:59:25
  • 害怕错过 华尔街涌入黄金交易

      华尔街已经成为一种由交易员主导的文化。他们对任何特定公司/资产的时代精神都能在数月或数年内决定交易方向。  而且,对于华尔街交易员来说,只有一···

    2021-11-19 01:10:03
  • 可怕的鸵鸟心态

      鸵鸟心态,其实是一种消极的心态,即当鸵鸟遇到危险的时候,会把头埋入草堆中,选择逃避来解决问题,以为看不见就可以解决问题。  其实鸵鸟是有很长的两天腿,如果在···

    2021-08-18 17:47:19
  • 可怕的现象放弃治疗般的缩量大跌!–3.23复盘


    2022-01-17 19:13:01
  • 52-Week High/Low

    52周高点/低点The highest and lowest price at which a stock has traded in the past 12 months, or 52 weeks. Many investors see the 52-week high or low as an impo···

    2022-01-05 12:52:25
  • High Flyer

    英文名称:High Flyer 中文名称:高价投机股通常指交易价格比根据基本面推测的价格高的股票。e.g. Former mining high flyer, Poseidon (POS.AU), iron ore magn···

    2022-01-05 13:51:00
  • High Earners, Not Rich Yet - HENRYs

    A buzzword coined in a 2003 Fortune Magazine article to refer to a segment of families earning between $250,000 and $500,000, but not having much left after ta···

    2022-01-05 14:37:16
  • Swing High

    A term used in technical analysis that refers to the peak reached by an indicator or an asset's price. A swing high is formed when the high of a price is great···

    2022-01-05 14:51:58
  • High-Low Index

    An index that seeks to provide confirmation of a market trend by comparing the daily number of stocks reaching new 52-week highs with the number reaching new 5···

    2022-01-05 14:54:25
  • High Minus Low - HML

    One of three factors in the Fama and French asset pricing model. HML accounts for the spread in returns between value and growth stocks. HML argues that compan···

    2022-01-05 15:25:22
  • Today's High

    The intraday high trading price. In other words, this is the highest price at which a stock traded during the course of the day. Taobiz explains Today's HighMo···

    2022-01-05 16:10:25
  • Record High

    The highest historical price level reached by a security, commodity or index during trading. The record high is measured from when the instrument first starts···

    2022-01-05 16:17:44
  • High Flier

    A stock that has seen its share price - and subsequently its valuation - rise to high multiples on metrics such as current earnings and current sales. Usually,···

    2022-01-05 16:26:50
  • High Close

    A tactic used by stock manipulators; they make small trades at high prices during the final minutes of trading to give the impression that the stock did very w···

    2022-01-05 16:26:58