Code of Aid
n. 编号;编码\\nv. 为...编码···
bank code
Code on Investment-linked Assurance Schemes
Code of Conduct for Persons Registered with the Securities and Futures Commissio
code of practice
Code on Immigration-linked Investment Schemes
Code of Best Practice [Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited]
Code on Takeovers and Mergers [Takeovers Code]
Commercial Code of Japan
ISO Currency Code
The internationally standardized three-letter abbreviation for a country's currency.|||For example, the ISO Currency Code for the United States Dollar would be···
swift code什么意思
SWIFT是“Society Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication环球同业银行金融电讯协会”的英文简称。凡该协会的成员银行都有自己特定的SWIFT代码,即SWIFT CODE···
swift code银行代码怎么查询呢?
swift code银行代码查询方法有:1、打开“swift码”查询官网www.swift.com/bsl/。2、在“BIC”栏内输入银行的代码,在“City”输入框中输入城市的名称,在“Country”输入框选择···
sort code在银行卡上吗?
国内银行卡上没有sort code。sort code是英国的银行代码,通常iban账号中的9-14位数字就是sort code。iban也就是国际银行账户号码,是由欧洲银行标准委员会按照相关标准制定的···