
  • Constant Yield Method

    One of two ways of calculating the accrued discount of bonds that trade in the secondary market. The constant yield method is an alternative to the ratable acc···

    2022-01-05 16:03:20
  • Constant Proportion Debt Obligation - CPDO

    A type of synthetic collateralized debt instrument that is backed by a debt security index, such as an iTraxx index. CPDOs were first created by ABN AMRO in 20···

    2022-01-05 16:03:24
  • Constant Maturity

    Used by the Federal Reserve Board to quote the yields on various treasury securities, adjusted to an equivalent maturity. |||By providing the constant maturity···

    2022-01-05 16:03:27
  • Constant Default Rate - CDR

    An annualized rate of default on a group of mortgages, typically within a collateralized product such as a mortgage-backed security (MBS). The constant default···

    2022-01-05 16:03:28
  • Constant Currencies

    An exchange rate that eliminates the effects of exchange rate fluctuations and that is used when calculating financial performance numbers. Companies with majo···

    2022-01-05 15:45:08
  • Constant Ratio Plan

    An asset allocation strategy in which assets are assigned a fixed percentage in a portfolio and readjusted to their target weights periodically. The readjustme···

    2022-01-05 16:35:27
  • constant

    adj. 不断的;忠实的\\nn. 常数;常项···

    2022-04-04 01:44:19
  • Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance - CPPI

    A method of portfolio insurance in which the investor sets a floor on the dollar value of his or her portfolio, then structures asset allocation around that de···

    2022-01-05 15:29:35
  • 德勤:一季度A股市场上市85只新股融资1799亿元


    2022-04-01 22:04:32
  • 德勤:A股首季度51只新股融资781亿元


    2021-08-29 02:40:14
  • 德勤会计师事务所

    简介  德勤会计师事务所,国际四大会计公司之一,英文名称是Deloitte。 全称:Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu,简称Deloitte或DTT。德勤会计师事务所世界四大会计事务所之一的德勤会···

    2021-10-24 11:45:17
  • 德勤:今年内地新股融资有望壮大 香港新股上市或将放缓


    2022-06-22 20:08:59
  • 德勤:上交所首季新股融资额排全球首位 达765亿港元


    2021-08-29 02:45:06
  • 德勤报告:今年一季度上交所IPO融资规模居全球首位

      (记者 梁敏)德勤中国全国上市业务组4月3日发布最新报告显示,今年一季度中国内地与香港新股市场继续畅旺。以新股融资额计,上海证券交易所攀升至首席,超越美国···

    2021-08-29 02:45:07
  • 德勤:银行践行ESG倡议的时刻已然来临


    2022-01-25 18:31:08