
  • Senior Issue

    An issue of bonds, preferred stock or other securities that represents the first priority lien on the issuer's assets or earnings. Senior issues have a higher···

    2022-01-05 16:15:06
  • Senior Convertible Note

    A debt security that contains an option where the note will be converted into a predefined amount of the issuer's shares. A senior convertible note has priorit···

    2022-01-05 15:50:46
  • Senior Security

    A security (usually debt) that, in the event the issuer goes bankrupt, must be repaid before other creditors receive any payment. |||In the event of liquidatio···

    2022-01-05 15:50:47
  • Senior Bank Loan

    A debt financing obligation issued by a bank or similar financial institution to a company or individual that holds legal claim to the borrower's assets above···

    2022-01-05 15:50:51
  • Senior Debt

    A bond or other form of debt that takes priority over other debt securities sold by the issuer. |||In the event the issuer goes bankrupt, senior debt must be r···

    2022-01-05 15:50:57
  • Senior Stretch Loan

    A specific type of loan to a business entity, which possesses certain characteristics of both asset-based loans and cash-flow loans. Senior stretch loans are c···

    2022-01-05 15:51:04
  • Senior Unsecured Debt

    英文名称:Senior Unsecured Debt 中文名称:优先支付的无担保债务"指在违约情况发生时,能够优先于其他无担保债券获得偿还的债务。e.g. S&P affirms Aeon's (8267···

    2022-01-05 13:32:24
  • Senior Secured Debt

    英文名称:Senior Secured Debt 中文名称:优先支付的有担保债务"指在违约情况发生时,能够优先于其他有担保债券获得偿还的债务。e.g. Northwestern is now consid···

    2022-01-05 13:56:13
  • Certified Senior Consultant - CSC

    A certification indicating knowledge in key issues facing aging members of the population (individuals in their 50s, 60s and 70s) including Social Security, Me···

    2022-01-05 15:30:22
  • 德勤:一季度A股市场上市85只新股融资1799亿元


    2022-04-01 22:04:32
  • 德勤:A股首季度51只新股融资781亿元


    2021-08-29 02:40:14
  • 德勤会计师事务所

    简介  德勤会计师事务所,国际四大会计公司之一,英文名称是Deloitte。 全称:Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu,简称Deloitte或DTT。德勤会计师事务所世界四大会计事务所之一的德勤会···

    2021-10-24 11:45:17
  • 德勤:今年内地新股融资有望壮大 香港新股上市或将放缓


    2022-06-22 20:08:59
  • 德勤:上交所首季新股融资额排全球首位 达765亿港元


    2021-08-29 02:45:06
  • 德勤报告:今年一季度上交所IPO融资规模居全球首位

      (记者 梁敏)德勤中国全国上市业务组4月3日发布最新报告显示,今年一季度中国内地与香港新股市场继续畅旺。以新股融资额计,上海证券交易所攀升至首席,超越美国···

    2021-08-29 02:45:07