
  • Style Box

    Created by Morningstar, a style box is designed to visually represent the investment characteristics of fixed-income (bond), domestic equity (stock) and intern···

    2022-01-05 14:24:12
  • Style

    The investment approach or objective that a fund manager uses to make choices in the selection of securities for the fund's portfolio. While there are a variet···

    2022-01-05 14:24:17
  • Investing Style

    In the context of stock mutual fund investing, refers to using one of three possible approaches -- investing in value stocks, growth stocks, or a blend of valu···

    2022-01-05 14:26:28
  • Equity Style Box

    A visual representation of the principle investment characteristics of stocks and stock mutual funds. The style box was created by Morningstar and is a valuabl···

    2022-01-05 14:27:49
  • Style Drift

    The divergence of a mutual fund from its stated investment style or objective. Style drift occurs as a result of intentional portfolio investing decisions by m···

    2022-01-05 14:29:20
  • Investment Style

    The overarching strategy or theory used by either a retail investor or an institutional money manager to set asset allocation and choose individual securities···

    2022-01-05 16:25:21
  • American Style Option

    英文名称:American Style Option 中文名称:美式期权该期权的所有人在期权持有期间的任何日期都可以行权,包括到期前和到期日,与“欧式期权”相对。···

    2022-01-05 12:52:22
  • Fixed-Income Style Box

    Created by Morningstar, a fixed-income style box is designed to visually represent the investment characteristics of bonds and bond mutual funds. This is a val···

    2022-01-05 16:00:12
  • 康德莱:控股子公司康德莱医械向其全资子公司增资及收购其控股子公司少数股东股权

    原标题:康德莱:控股子公司康德莱医械向其全资子公司增资及收购其控股子公司少数股东股权每经AI快讯,康德莱(SH 603987,收盘价:22.01元)5月6日晚间发布···

    2021-08-17 00:00:09
  • 康德莱2019年净利1.70亿元增长16% 销售费用有明显增长

      挖贝网 3月31日消息,康德莱(603987)近日发布2019年年度报告,公告显示,报告期内实现营收1,816,907,868.44元,同比增长25.30%;归属于上市公司股东的净利润170,104···

    2021-08-29 01:20:13
  • 康德莱(sh603987)

    公司名称: 上海康德莱企业发展集团股份有限公司 公司英文名称: Shanghai Kin···

    2021-09-19 20:21:10
  • 康德莱:公司2021年年度报告将于4月21日披露


    2022-02-14 10:47:22
  • 康德莱医械(01501.HK)3月18日董事会批准年度业绩


    2022-03-08 17:43:30
  • 康德莱:预计2022年第一季度净利润为6830.46万元至7285.82万元 同比增长50%至60%

      康德莱(SH 603987,收盘价:20.28元)3月29日晚间发布业绩预告,公司预计2022年第一季度实现归属于上市公司股东的···

    2022-03-29 18:14:18
  • 冯德莱恩:欧盟新一轮对俄制裁将主要针对银行和能源


    2022-04-17 15:45:50