操作流程 设想网上购物的一次交易,其付款过程至少包括以下几步数据库操作: · 更新客户所购商品的库存信息 · 保存客户付款信息--可能包括与银行系统的交互 ····
数据库管理系统组成部分 按功能划分,数据库管理系统大致可分为6个部分: (1)模式翻译:提供数据定义语言(ddl)。用它书写的数据库模式被翻译为内部表示。数据库的逻辑结···
英文名称:Default 中文名称:违约/未能履行合约指未履行按合约所承诺的义务,多指债务人不履行还本付息的义务或者未能履行期货合约。e.g. Following a payment default by the i···
Default Risk
英文名称:Default Risk 中文名称:违约风险公司或个人未能履行合约义务的风险,多指债券发行人在债券到期时无法还本付息而使投资者遭受损失的风险。The risk that companies or···
Exposure At Default - EAD
A total value that a bank is exposed to at the time of default. Each underlying exposure that a bank has is given an EAD value and is identified within the ban···
Technical Default
A deficiency in a loan agreement that arises not from a failure to make payments as promised, but from a failure to uphold some other aspect of the loan terms.···
Sovereign Default
A default on the repayment of a county’s government debts. Countries are often hesitant to default on their debts, since it will be difficult and expensi···
Loss Given Default - LGD
The amount of funds that is lost by a bank or other financial institution when a borrower defaults on a loan. Academics suggest that there are several methods···
Incipient Default
When a borrower appears to be heading toward defaulting on its debt. An incipient default is the foreshadowing of a person or company's inability to service a···
Default Model
A type of model used by financial institutions to determine the likelihood of a default on credit obligations by a corporation or sovereign entity. These stati···
Default Probability
The degree of likelihood that the borrower of a loan or debt will not be able to make the necessary scheduled repayments. Should the borrower be unable to pay,···
Cross Default
A provisions in a bond indenture or loan agreement that puts the borrower in default if the borrower defaults on another obligation. Also known as "cross accel···
Constant Default Rate - CDR
An annualized rate of default on a group of mortgages, typically within a collateralized product such as a mortgage-backed security (MBS). The constant default···
Credit Default Swap (CDS)
Credit Default Swap (CDS) 信用违约互换 定义 信用违约互换(Credit Default Swap,CDS)又称为信贷违约掉期,也叫贷款违约保险,是目前全球交易最为广泛的场外信用衍生品。IS···
Loan Credit Default Swap (LCDS)
A type of credit derivative in which the credit exposure of an underlying loan is swapped between two parties. A loan credit default swap's structure is the sa···