Long/Short Fund
A type of mutual fund that mimics some of the trading strategies typically employed by a hedge fund. Unlike most mutual funds, long/short funds use leverage, d···
Long/Short Equity
A hedge fund strategy that involves buying certain stocks long and selling others short. There usually isn't a restriction on the country that the stocks trade···
期权c和p什么意思 分别代表这两种期权
近年来我国的期权市场快速发展,期权品种不断更新,期权成交量也在增长当中,近期有网友反映自己不知道期权中c和p的意思,那么期权c和p什么意思呢? 期权c和p什么意思? 期···
说真话就绞刑,说谎话就火刑,怎样才能被释放最佳答案他说“我将被处以处于绞刑”。 如果说这是句假话,那么他将被处以绞刑,既然被处以绞刑,那说明是真话;如果说这是句真话,那么他将···
Long (or Long Position)
1. The buying of a security such as a stock, commodity or currency, with the expectation that the asset will rise in value.2. In the context of options, the bu···
Short (or Short Position)
1. The sale of a borrowed security, commodity or currency with the expectation that the asset will fall in value.2. In the context of options, it is the sale (···
英文名称:Long 中文名称:看涨/多头指投资者预期证券价格上涨而在低位买进,待涨至某一价位时卖出,获取买卖价差收益。···
Long Put
An options strategy in which a put option is purchased as a speculative play on a downturn in the price of the underlying equity or index. In a long put trade,···
Net Long
A condition in which an investor has more long positions than short positions in a given asset, market, portfolio or trading strategy. Investors who are net lo···
close out a long position
buying long
Long Hedge
Long Straddle
A strategy of trading options whereby the trader will purchase a long call and a long put with the same underlying asset, expiration date and strike price. The···
Long Run Incremental Cost - LRIC
Forward-looking incremental costs that can be accounted for by a company. |||These are the changing costs that a company can somewhat foresee. For example, oil···
Long-Run Average Total Cost - LRATC
A business metric that represents the average cost per unit of output over the long run, where all inputs are considered to be variable. Long-term unit costs a···