
  • 什么指标适合短线选股?短线选股用哪个指标?

      最近有不少的人问我,什么指标适合短线选股,对此,小编给大家做了以下整理,大家可以一起来看看。  第一种:boll方针进行选股买卖点。用boll方针根本上便是下轨买入上轨卖出,···

    2021-10-08 05:43:09
  • 什么指标判断走势最有价值?

    什么指标判断走势最有价值?\\r\\n  但凡走入股市的投资者,都或多或少地研究过各种技术指标。然而,在实战之中,常常是一些指标刚发出买入信号,另一些指标却又提示你卖出。凡此种种···

    2021-12-19 05:10:09
  • 什么指数基金适合长期定投?长期定投基金怎么选


    2022-03-23 19:00:02
  • Downtick Volume

    The share volume of a security that trades at a price lower than its previous price. Technical analysts use downtick volume to calculate a security's net volum···

    2022-01-05 14:55:22
  • Volume Weighted Average Price - VWAP

    A trading benchmark used especially in pension plans. VWAP is calculated by adding up the dollars traded for every transaction (price multiplied by number of s···

    2022-01-05 16:08:27
  • Down Volume

    A stock volume that closes at a price lower than the previous day's close.Taobiz explains Down VolumeIf a stock closed at a price lower than the previous day's···

    2022-01-05 16:32:49

      ‍ volume在计算机领域有“卷标”、“音量”之意;在股票用语上表示“成交量/成交金额及其均线图”;  在生活中有“体积”。。。 词义  ‍ volume [ 'v···

    2021-12-24 23:31:59
  • Net Volume

    A security's uptick volume minus its downtick volume over a specified period. An indicator very similar to money flow. Taobiz explains Net VolumeThe "money flo···

    2022-01-05 16:21:45
  • Up Volume

    A stock's volume when the security closes at a price higher than the previous day's close. In other words, if a stock increases in price during the day, the vo···

    2022-01-05 14:50:47
  • Uptick Volume

    The volume of a security that trades at a price higher than its previous price. A security that has a higher uptick than downtick volume over a specified perio···

    2022-01-05 14:50:57
  • Volume of Trade

    英文名称:Volume of Trade···

    2022-01-05 13:55:31
  • Volume Price Trend Indicator - VPT

    A technical indicator consisting of a cumulative volume line that adds or subtracts a multiple of the percentage change in share price trend and current volume···

    2022-01-05 14:51:01
  • Price By Volume Chart - PBV

    A horizontal histogram plotted on the chart of a security, which corresponds to the volume of shares traded at a specific price level. Price by volume histogra···

    2022-01-05 15:21:00
  • Positive Volume Index - PVI

    An index that focuses on days where the volume has significantly increased from the previous day's trading.|||It tries to determine what smart investors ar···

    2022-01-05 15:21:07
  • volume股票指标是什么意思 股票成交量


    2021-08-19 10:42:42