
  • Style Drift

    The divergence of a mutual fund from its stated investment style or objective. Style drift occurs as a result of intentional portfolio investing decisions by m···

    2022-01-05 14:29:20
  • Style Box

    Created by Morningstar, a style box is designed to visually represent the investment characteristics of fixed-income (bond), domestic equity (stock) and intern···

    2022-01-05 14:24:12
  • Style

    The investment approach or objective that a fund manager uses to make choices in the selection of securities for the fund's portfolio. While there are a variet···

    2022-01-05 14:24:17
  • American Style Option

    英文名称:American Style Option 中文名称:美式期权该期权的所有人在期权持有期间的任何日期都可以行权,包括到期前和到期日,与“欧式期权”相对。···

    2022-01-05 12:52:22
  • Fixed-Income Style Box

    Created by Morningstar, a fixed-income style box is designed to visually represent the investment characteristics of bonds and bond mutual funds. This is a val···

    2022-01-05 16:00:12
  • Investing Style

    In the context of stock mutual fund investing, refers to using one of three possible approaches -- investing in value stocks, growth stocks, or a blend of valu···

    2022-01-05 14:26:28
  • Investment Style

    The overarching strategy or theory used by either a retail investor or an institutional money manager to set asset allocation and choose individual securities···

    2022-01-05 16:25:21
  • Equity Style Box

    A visual representation of the principle investment characteristics of stocks and stock mutual funds. The style box was created by Morningstar and is a valuabl···

    2022-01-05 14:27:49
  • 欧洲天然气又涨了!俄罗斯:不是故意的

      来源:金十数据  欧盟认为,俄罗斯无非在找借口报复……  周四,欧洲天然气又涨了。  欧洲基准荷兰近月天然气期货价格暴涨了24%,本周涨幅已经达到了46%···

    2022-06-22 03:48:25
  • 欧洲央行强调欧元贬值加大通胀压力

      转自:新华财经  新华财经法兰克福8月25日电(记者邵莉)欧洲央行在7月货币政策会议纪要中强调,欧元区通胀上行风险增大,欧元贬值加大了通胀压力。周四,欧元兑···

    2022-08-30 21:30:09
  • 欧洲天然气期货首破3000美元每千立方米创新高

      中新网3月7日电 据俄媒报道,7日,欧洲天然气期货价格首次突破每1000立方米3000美元(约合人民币18956元),再次刷新历史最高纪录。  欧洲天然气期货价格快速···

    2022-03-07 18:02:00
  • 欧洲央行管委卡日米尔:10月份加息75个基点是适当的


    2022-10-14 16:05:28
  • 欧洲货币贷款

    欧洲货币贷款 欧洲货币贷款泛指一国银行以其非所在地国货币提供的贷款。作为离岸交易,欧洲货币贷款最大法律特点是不受贷款货币发行···

    2021-11-11 07:05:14
  • 欧洲的沃伦·巴菲特——安德烈·科斯托拉尼的主要事迹


    2021-12-22 08:31:07
  • 欧洲央行利率决议前檐贵金属微跌

      7月20日,贵金属盘内小阴线横盘,黄金价格短线1710美元/盎司附近波动,金价区间小幅调整,白银承压19.00美元/盎司一线。  法兴银行前瞻欧洲央行利率决议:有望加息25个基点 将···

    2022-07-20 11:43:15