
  • A股电源管理龙头上市公司汇总(附名单)

      综投网为您整理的2022年电源管理龙头上市公司,供大家参考。  韦尔股份:  4月2日收盘消息,韦尔股份7日内股价下跌9.39%,最新涨0.39%,报194.15元,换···

    2022-04-02 16:00:29
  • 电源管理芯片供应商:预计行业供应链库存调整2023年Q2结束


    2022-11-16 14:03:39
  • 电源管理芯片收入规模扩大 思瑞浦一季度净利润增长194%


    2022-04-21 18:45:21
  • 电源芯片相关股票有哪些 A股电源芯片概念股名单汇总

      电源芯片相关股票有哪些?  电源芯片行业概念股票有: 圣邦股份、晶丰明源、富满微、瑞芯微。  上海贝岭:  2021年第三季度显示,公司营收4.95亿,···

    2022-03-28 17:26:06
  • 电源适配器是什么,电源适配器有什么用,有哪些优势呢?


    2021-08-31 01:30:13
  • 电源模块行业股票一览 哪些是电源模块概念股

      3月4日盘中信息显示,电源模块概念报涨,中恒电气2.02%领涨,通富微电、扬杰科技等个股跟涨。  电源模块行业股票一览,哪些是电源模块概念股?  中恒···

    2022-03-07 11:08:16
  • 电源管理领域成长型企业 希荻微成功登陆科创板


    2022-01-21 13:45:43
  • Off-the-run Issue

    英文名称:Off-the-run Issue 中文名称:非指标债券指发行时间已经较长的一批债券。与同期限的新发债券(on-the-run issue)比较,收益率较高,价格便宜,但通常流动性较低···

    2022-01-05 13:36:14
  • Off-Floor Order

    An investor’s directive to buy or sell securities when that directive is given to a broker, not to a trader working on the trading floor of an exchange.···

    2022-01-05 16:21:10
  • Off Board

    A stock transaction that fits one of the following two criteria:1. A stock trade involving a security that does not trade on a major exchange, i.e., an over-th···

    2022-01-05 16:21:13
  • Sell-Off

    The rapid selling of securities, such as stocks, bonds and commodities. The increase in supply leads to a decline in the value of the security. Taobiz explains···

    2022-01-05 16:15:15
  • Off Balance Sheet Financing

    英文名称:Off Balance Sheet Financing 中文名称:资产负债表以外融资/账外融资商业银行通过对资产和负债内部及两者之间的比例进行协调,实现资产和负债质量改善和···

    2022-01-05 13:48:26
  • Daily Cut-Off

    In the forex market, a particular point in time specified by a forex dealer to stand as the end of the current trading day and the beginning of a new trading d···

    2022-01-05 15:43:38
  • Chief Investment Officer - CIO

    The executive position responsible for a company's investment portfolios. The chief investment officer (CIO) usually oversees a team of professionals that have···

    2022-01-05 14:44:19
  • off-the-cuff

    off-the-cuffa.【美】【口】即席的The president's off-the-cuff remarks were better than his official statements.总统的即席演讲胜过他的正式演说。···

    2022-04-09 15:14:35