
  • 401(k) Plan

    A qualified plan established by employers to which eligible employees may make salary deferral (salary reduction) contributions on a post-tax and/or pretax bas···

    2022-01-05 15:12:53
  • 457 Plan

    A non-qualified, deferred compensation plan established by state and local governments and tax-exempt governments and tax-exempt employers. Eligible employees···

    2022-01-05 15:12:55
  • 408(k) Plan

    A plan set up by an employer to help employees fund their retirement. The 408(k) plan is a simplified version of the popular 401(k) plan but is intended f···

    2022-01-05 15:12:58
  • 403(b) Plan

    A retirement plan for certain employees of public schools, tax-exempt organizations and certain ministers. Generally, retirement income accounts can invest in···

    2022-01-05 15:13:00
  • 12B-1 Plan

    A no-load mutual fund that is allowed to use fund assets to pay for its distribution costs. The 12B-1 plan mutual fund is an alternative to paying th···

    2022-01-05 14:28:53
  • Accumulation Plan

    1. A general financial strategy in which an investor attempts to build the value of his or her portfolio to a desired size.2. In the context of mutual funds, a···

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  • Canada Pension Plan - CPP

    One of three levels of Canada's retirement income system, which is responsible for paying retirement or disability benefits. The Canada Pension Plan was establ···

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  • Plan Participant

    A plan participant either contributes into a pension plan or is in a position to receive benefit payments from the plan. It includes a retired person receiving···

    2022-01-05 15:07:13
  • Pension Plan

    A type of retirement plan, usually tax exempt, wherein an employer makes contributions toward a pool of funds set aside for an employee's future benefit. The p···

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  • Opt-Out Plan

    A type of 401(k) plan that automatically enrolls the employees of a company to save for their retirement. Eligible employees of a company with this policy are···

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  • Pension Plan Administrator

    An individual responsible for managing the day-to-day affairs and the strategic decisions involved with a group's pension fund/plan. More specifically, the pla···

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  • Non-Qualified Plan

    Any type of tax-deferred, employer-sponsored retirement plan that falls outside of employee retirement income security act (ERISA) guidelines. Non-qualified pl···

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  • Savior Plan

    When management and employees borrow money to invest in their failing company in an attempt to save it. Essentially, a savior plan precedes a management and em···

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  • Withdrawal Plan

    1) A payment structure arranged with a mutual fund in which the investor receives a set amount of funds from the fund on a periodic basis. This is also called···

    2022-01-05 14:23:49
  • Monthly Income Plan - MIP

    A type of investment vehicle that provides a specified monthly payment to the investor. This monthly payment is intended to be a stable form of income and is t···

    2022-01-05 15:08:09