
  • Three Black Crows

    A bearish candlestick pattern that is used to predict the reversal of the current uptrend. This pattern consists of three consecutive long-bodied candlesticks···

    2022-01-05 14:51:13
  • Three White Soldiers

    A bullish candlestick pattern that is used to predict the reversal of the current downtrend. This pattern consists of three consecutive long-bodied candlestick···

    2022-01-05 14:51:21
  • Rising Three Methods

    A bullish candlestick pattern that is used to predict the continuation of the current uptrend. This pattern is formed when the candlesticks meet the following···

    2022-01-05 14:52:15
  • Sanku (Three Gaps) Pattern

    The Japanese word for a candlestick pattern that consists of three individual gaps located within a well-defined trend. After the appearance of the third gap,···

    2022-01-05 14:52:35
  • Three-Year Rule

    Section 2035 of the tax code, which stipulates that assets that have been gifted through an ownership transfer, or assets for which the original owner has reli···

    2022-01-05 14:47:34
  • Three-box Reversal

    英文名称:Three-box Reversal 中文名称:三格转向点数图有两个参数,格值(box size)和转向值(reversal amount)。格值一般按价格波动幅度平均值的比例来确定,价格每上涨···

    2022-01-05 13:28:53
  • Falling Three Methods

    A bearish candlestick pattern that is used to predict the continuation of the current downtrend. This pattern is formed when the candlesticks meet the followin···

    2022-01-05 14:54:48
  • 泰国最大手机银行开通银联二维码

      记者获悉,银联国际25日与泰国最大的商业银行之一开泰银行合作,开通后者旗下手机银行K Plus支持银联二维码,将其···

    2022-07-25 17:47:13
  • 泰国人均gdp和中国gdp谁比较高?,去泰国旅游需要花多少钱?

      在前不久,泰国发布公告预计泰国人均gdp将下降,同时这对于2021年泰国的旅游业、金融业和商品的出口将带来了巨大的打击。  在经历了2019年的负增长后,商品···

    2021-08-26 11:23:46
  • 中泰国际:地产政策有进一步发力空间 推荐7只港股

      中泰国际对中国地产下行对宏观经济的影响做出最新研究。  报告称,地产业决定需求的核心变量已悄然生变,GDP···

    2022-04-21 14:55:42
  • 泰国大米出口价格上涨


    2022-03-11 10:31:28
  • 泰国的景点有哪些地方,泰国旅游一次大概花费多少

      泰国的景点有哪些地方  1.曼谷泰国大王宫。  曼谷泰国大王宫又称故宫,是从曼谷一世国王到泰国八世国王的皇家宫殿。它位于首都曼谷的中心,坐落在湄南···

    2021-08-31 07:45:12
  • 4月泰国天然橡胶出口环比下滑超10%


    2022-06-15 17:45:25
  • 泰国设定目标:全年水果出口增长15%

    中果网  据“泰国网”报道,泰国副总理兼商业部部长朱林近日表示,预测今年泰国水果产量同比增长11%,为推动泰国水果出口,泰国商业部针对国内和国外市场制定2套···

    2022-05-18 00:52:24
  • 泰国:21/22榨季截至1月1日,累计产糖163.27万吨

    原标题:泰国:21/22榨季截至1月1日,累计产糖163.27万吨 来源:泛糖科技  泰国21/22榨季截至1月1日,57家糖厂已全部开榨,甘蔗累计入榨量为1723.40万吨,含糖率11.···

    2022-01-11 17:39:09