苹果CEO库克 尽管不少信息已被提前曝光,但今年苹果的“科技春晚”依然有着惊喜。 北京时间9月8日凌晨1点···
economic life
Life Insurance
Whole Life Insurance
英文名称:Whole Life Insurance 中文名称:终身寿险投保人每年付一笔固定费用,保险公司在被保险人死亡时支付保险费的保单。···
With-profit Life Assurance
英文名称:With-profit Life Assurance 中文名称:分红人寿保险集保险与投资为一体的新型金融理财方式。保险公司在每个会计年度结束后,将上一会计年度该类分红保···
Life Annuity
An insurance product that features a predetermined periodic payout amount until the death of the annuitant. These products are most frequently used to help ret···
Quality Of Life
A highly subjective measure of happiness that is an important component of many financial decisions. Factors that play a role in quality of life vary according···
Life Option
An annuitization-method option for a typical annuity offered by an insurance company with which the annuitant chooses to receive regular income payments from h···
Life Settlement
The selling of one's life insurance policy to a third party for a one time cash payment. The purchaser then becomes the beneficiary of the policy and begins pa···
Life With Guaranteed Term
An annuitization-method option with which the annuitant chooses to receive regular income payments that are guaranteed to last the rest of his or her life but···
Life Expectancy
1. The age until which a person is expected to live. 2. The remaining number of years an individual is expected to live, based on IRS issued life expectancy ta···
Chartered Life Underwriter - CLU
A professional designation for individuals who wish to specialize in life insurance and estate planning. Individuals must complete five core courses and three···
Average Life
An estimate of the number of terms to maturity, taking the possibility of early payments into account. Average life is calculated using the weighted average ti···
Variable Life Insurance Policy
英文名称:Variable Life Insurance Policy 中文名称:可变寿险保单终身人寿保险的一种,为保险合同持有人提供终身保险。这种保险的特点是,投保人可将部分保费存放···
Life-Cycle Fund
A special category of balanced, or asset-allocation, mutual fund in which the proportional representation of an asset class in a fund's portfolio is automatica···