
  • Swap

    掉期掉期合同是一种协议,规定了合同双方在一定时间段内交换一系列现金流的协议,交换发生在合同预置好的日期,通常只交换现金流净值(如Plain vanilla swap)。Traditionally, the···

    2021-10-09 02:55:03
  • Tax Swap

    A method of crystallizing capital losses by selling losing positions and purchasing companies within similar industries that have similar fundamentals. Inves···

    2022-01-05 14:48:07
  • Accreting Swap

    目录 1增值互换 2Accreting Swap 增···

    2021-10-09 09:05:18
  • Swap Transaction

    掉期交易(Swap Transaction) 目录 1 什么是掉期交易 2 掉期交易概述···

    2022-01-05 12:51:53
  • Asset Swap

    目录 1资产互换 2Asset Swap 资产互···

    2022-01-05 12:52:06
  • Equity Swap

    英文名称:Equity Swap中文名称:股权互换在公司购并活动中,收购方以本公司股票换取被收购方股票的行为。···

    2022-01-05 13:03:32
  • Swap Spread

    英文名称:Swap Spread 中文名称:互换价差指互换利率与政府债券收益率之间的差额。e.g. \\"Treasurys Higher After Strong Auction, Amid Month-End Buying,\\" p···

    2022-01-05 13:23:32
  • Swap Rate

    英文名称:Swap Rate 中文名称:掉期利率又称互换利率,是在固定利率与浮动利率的利率互换中,做市商报出的固定利率的价格。e.g. The trading of the swap based on···

    2022-01-05 13:35:18
  • Bond Swap

    英文名称:Bond Swap 中文名称:债券互换亦称“债券掉换”,是投资者根据对债券或债券组合收益率的预测来主动互换债券,从而获得较高的收益。e.g. But bond-swap has tightened co···

    2022-01-05 14:04:34
  • Zero Coupon Swap

    An exchange of income streams in which the stream of floating interest-rate payments is made periodically, as it would be in a plain vanilla swap, but the stre···

    2022-01-05 14:11:43
  • Swap Transferring Risk With Participating Element - STRIPE

    A specific type of hedging technique. STRIPEs combine interest rate swaps and interest rate caps in order to protect the borrower from changes in interest rate···

    2022-01-05 14:16:04
  • Reverse Swap

    A new swap that undoes the effects of an existing swap (a type of derivative that involves the exchange of cash flow streams). A reverse swap is one of several···

    2022-01-05 14:16:28
  • Replacement Swap

    A substitute for a swap arrangement that is terminated before it matures. A swap may be ended early if there is a termination event or a default. If a swap is···

    2022-01-05 14:16:55
  • Putable Swap

    An exchange of cash flows in which one counterparty makes payments based on a fixed interest rate, the other counterparty makes payments based on a floating in···

    2022-01-05 14:17:08
  • Inflation Swap

    A derivative used to transfer inflation risk from one party to another through an exchange of cash flows. In an inflation swap, one party pays a fixed rate on···

    2022-01-05 14:19:33