
  • FASB95号表是什么意思?


    2021-09-22 13:08:29
  • 从A股表现看新三板行业机会

      2月10日,粤开证券发布研报《【粤开新三板】从A股表现看新三板行业机会》。  粤开证券表示,股转公司多举措呵护市场,维护新三板市场各项业务稳定运行,预计···

    2021-08-29 12:20:27
  • Buy To Cover

    A buy order made on a stock or other listed security that closes out an existing short position. A short sale involves selling shares of a company that one doe···

    2022-01-05 16:37:59
  • capital cover


    2022-01-05 04:53:15
  • Cover Your Ass

    A tactic used by employees to share blame or divert blame should something go wrong. "Covering your ass" is usually done in big projects where an employee may···

    2022-01-05 14:40:37
  • Dark Cloud Cover

    In candlestick charting, a pattern where a black candlestick follows a long white candlestick. It can be an indication of a future bearish trend. Essentially,···

    2022-01-05 14:55:27
  • Dividend Cover

    英文名称:Dividend Cover 中文名称:股息保障倍数股息保障倍数指股票净利润与利润总额的比值,它与支付股利的能力成正比,是衡量公司向股东支付股息能力的标准。···

    2022-01-05 13:30:50
  • Interest Cover

    英文名称:Interest Cover 中文名称:利息偿付倍数指公司总收益与公司利息费用的比率,一般以年为单位进行计算,是衡量公司偿债能力的指标之一。···

    2022-01-05 13:55:51
  • Cover On Approach

    The closing out of a profitable short position as the security moves toward a key level of support. As a security moves closer to a level of support the chance···

    2022-01-05 15:45:01
  • Cover On A Bounce

    The covering of a short position after it has reached and bounced off a level of support. This strategy waits for the price to move to a support level, instead···

    2022-01-05 15:45:05
  • Days To Cover

    A measurement of a company's issued shares that are currently shorted, expressed as the number of days required to close out all of the short positions. For ex···

    2022-01-05 15:16:49
  • Cover

    The act of completing a transaction in order to remove any obligations. Cover is a general term used in many different instances. For instance, an investor tha···

    2022-01-05 15:16:51
  • 瑞士央行行长乔丹:对瑞士物价稳定的最大影响来自能源价格和供应链问题


    2022-04-20 01:15:05
  • 瑞士手表关税是多少,瑞士手表有哪些知名品牌


    2021-08-26 19:13:08
  • 瑞士央行加息的蝴蝶效应:美股、欧债都悬了?


    2022-06-24 23:28:32