
  • H1充电器及适配器营收增速放缓 奥海科技:正推进光伏逆变器业务布局|直击业绩会


    2022-09-15 10:23:41
  • 电器汽车回收有哪些股票,废物回收概念上市公司有哪些?

      什么是主导股票的废物回收,电器汽车回收有哪些股票,废物回收概念上市公司有哪些?下面让我们一起来了解一下吧!  有关的废物回收公司包括:  天齐股份:其···

    2021-08-24 03:14:24
  • 充电器、充电桩 风口上的氮化镓能飞多高


    2022-07-26 20:41:56
  • 电器工程师

    职位解析 电器工程师是指对电机、变压器等电器产品及输变电设备等进行开发和维护的专业技术人员。 工作内容 1、电路板的焊接、或制导技术工···

    2022-02-08 15:14:06
  • 电器“以旧换新”为北京绿色节能消费助燃


    2022-04-12 15:03:57
  • 买电器打85折 购车给补贴 多地发“亿级”消费券


    2022-05-30 00:47:23
  • Off-the-run Issue

    英文名称:Off-the-run Issue 中文名称:非指标债券指发行时间已经较长的一批债券。与同期限的新发债券(on-the-run issue)比较,收益率较高,价格便宜,但通常流动性较低···

    2022-01-05 13:36:14
  • Off-Floor Order

    An investor’s directive to buy or sell securities when that directive is given to a broker, not to a trader working on the trading floor of an exchange.···

    2022-01-05 16:21:10
  • Off Board

    A stock transaction that fits one of the following two criteria:1. A stock trade involving a security that does not trade on a major exchange, i.e., an over-th···

    2022-01-05 16:21:13
  • Sell-Off

    The rapid selling of securities, such as stocks, bonds and commodities. The increase in supply leads to a decline in the value of the security. Taobiz explains···

    2022-01-05 16:15:15
  • Off Balance Sheet Financing

    英文名称:Off Balance Sheet Financing 中文名称:资产负债表以外融资/账外融资商业银行通过对资产和负债内部及两者之间的比例进行协调,实现资产和负债质量改善和···

    2022-01-05 13:48:26
  • Daily Cut-Off

    In the forex market, a particular point in time specified by a forex dealer to stand as the end of the current trading day and the beginning of a new trading d···

    2022-01-05 15:43:38
  • Chief Investment Officer - CIO

    The executive position responsible for a company's investment portfolios. The chief investment officer (CIO) usually oversees a team of professionals that have···

    2022-01-05 14:44:19
  • off-the-cuff

    off-the-cuffa.【美】【口】即席的The president's off-the-cuff remarks were better than his official statements.总统的即席演讲胜过他的正式演说。···

    2022-04-09 15:14:35
  • Blow-Off Top

    A steep and rapid increase in price followed by a steep and rapid drop in price. Here is an example of a blow-off top, a steep rise followed by a steep fall.···

    2022-01-05 14:56:29