
  • 需求和供应的紧张,国际市场钾肥价格持续拉涨

    原标题:需求和供应的紧张,国际市场钾肥价格持续拉涨 国际市场持续的需求···

    2022-04-30 23:11:02
  • 市值不到120亿 要砸逾百亿投新能源!股价先涨50%


    2022-08-04 00:27:25
  • 市值不到120亿,欲砸逾百亿布局“超级赛道”!股价已涨五成


    2022-08-04 07:52:39
  • 需求和景气度双重爆发 “工业味精”板块强势反弹 这些概念股业绩有望大增

      A股市场涉及稀土永磁概念的共计51家公司,业绩预喜率接近80%,获北上资金加仓的业绩预喜股仅有7只。  ···

    2022-02-07 20:01:41
  • Sum Certain

    A legal description of the predetermined settlement price for a contract or negotiable instrument. This term refers to the stated final payment to be made at t···

    2022-01-05 14:12:43
  • Lump-Sum Payment

    A one-time payment for the total or partial value of an asset. A lump-sum payment is usually taken in lieu of recurring payments that would otherwise be receiv···

    2022-01-05 15:08:03
  • fixed-price lump-sum contract


    2022-01-05 12:22:35
  • Lump-Sum Distribution

    A one-time payment for the entire amount due, rather than breaking payments into smaller installments. Some lump-sum distributions receive special tax treatmen···

    2022-01-05 15:08:37
  • capital sum


    2022-01-05 12:24:02
  • Sum-Of-Parts Valuation

    Valuing a company by determining what its divisions would be worth if it was broken up and spun off or acquired by another company. Taobiz explains Sum-Of-Part···

    2022-01-05 16:11:43
  • Zero-Sum Game

    A situation in which one participant's gains result only from another participant's equivalent losses. The net change in total wealth among participants is zer···

    2022-01-05 14:11:50
  • 筛选股票的标准


    2022-02-14 02:53:01
  • 筛选—监测—诊断法

    筛选—监测—诊断法   筛选是指将各种风险因素进行分类,确定哪些风险因素会明显地引起损失,哪些因素需要进一步地研究,哪些因素由于不重要应该排除出去。监测是指对筛选出来···

    2021-11-16 12:35:44
  • 筛选自选股有什么程序

      筛选自选股有什么程序 一、30%是指机构持有该股流通股总和不低于现有流通股数量的30%。   在股市里,想做好中长线,最重要是调研上市公司,但这对中小散户来讲,是一件···

    2021-08-21 16:26:34
  • 筛选股票的标准是什么?

    筛选股票的标准是什么?\\r\\n  证券市场是利益角逐的场所,在合适的时间寻找到合适的股票是实现利益的前提。为了找到好股票,在利益争夺中取胜,投资者必须要有独特的视角对股票进···

    2021-12-27 21:56:49