
  • Road Show

    A presentation by an issuer of securities to potential buyers. It is intended to create interest in the securities. Also known as a "dog and pony show", a road···

    2022-01-05 14:32:01
  • Dog And Pony Show

    A slang term referring to a financial seminar that presents new products or issues of securities to potential buyers. Also known as a "road show". The term ori···

    2022-01-05 14:40:00
  • 简·莫顿

    简·莫顿简介   简·穆顿,1930年出生于美国。1957年在得克萨斯大学获得心理学哲学博士学位,不久担任该校心理学系副教授,专门从事行为科学,非凡是组织与治理领域的研究。 ···

    2022-02-17 22:19:14
  • 前9岳294简单业A股上市募资3557亿 江苏广东浙江领先

    4350 北京市 003002.SZ 美瑞新材 创业板 贰零贰零-07-20 4.SH 龙腾光电 科创板 贰零贰零-08-17 4.  浙江省由43简单业上岸A股,其中瑞晟智能、华光新材、德马科技···

    2022-01-02 00:09:01