
  • 美国租车费用每天多钱,美国租车公司排名推荐

      美国租车费用每天多钱?  1、迷你车报价表  由于其体积小,性价比高,实用性强,能够满足广大租户的基本需求,价格也相对实惠,所以也受到广大消费者的喜爱。···

    2021-08-26 12:18:32
  • House Call

    A brokerage house notification that the customer's equity in a margin account has fallen below the maintenance requirement level. If the client fails to immedi···

    2022-01-05 16:26:41
  • House Excess

    A term used by brokerage houses to describe the amount you are in excess of the minimum margin requirements, based upon the last days closing prices of your po···

    2022-01-05 16:27:02
  • Discount House

    英文名称:Discount House 中文名称:贴现行/贴现公司为各种货币市场工具如承兑商承兑的长期汇票、国债和商业票据等提供贴现服务的金融机构。Primarily operating in the Unite···

    2022-01-05 14:01:02
  • house lock hypothesis

    the house lock hypothesis is that unemployed homeowners who are underwater are unwilling or unable to relocate to areas with brighter job prospects. This could···

    2022-01-05 14:08:00
  • Clearing House Automated Transfer System [CHATS]


    2022-01-05 12:40:07
  • Clearing House

    英文名称:Clearing House 中文名称:清算行为证券或衍生工具交易提供结算服务的公司。An agency or separate corporation of a futures exchange responsible for settling t···

    2022-01-05 14:02:27
  • MOS HOUSE(01653)附属续租香港物业

      MOS HOUSE(01653)发布公告,于2022年4月26日,公司间接全资附属公司信锋有限公司(作为租户)与独立第三方业主(···

    2022-05-25 20:47:01
  • MOS HOUSE(01653.HK)订立租赁协议

      格隆汇5月25日丨MOS HOUSE(01653.HK)公告,于2022年4月26日,公司间接全资附属公司信锋有限公司( 作为租户 )与···

    2022-05-25 20:47:03
  • Commission House

    英文名称:Commission House 中文名称:佣金行代理客户执行金融交易的经纪商或经纪公司。···

    2022-01-05 13:25:41
  • Clearing House Electronic Subregister System - CHESS

    A computer system operated by the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) that facilitates the transfer of a security's legal ownership from a seller to a buyer and al···

    2022-01-05 16:36:17
  • MOS HOUSE(01653.HK)年度纯利1187万港元 同比增加约18%

      MOS HOUSE(01653.HK)发布公告,截至2022年3月31日止年度,公司收益1.66亿港元,同比上升约12.8%;年内溢利1187万港···

    2022-06-28 21:18:39
  • Wire House

    英文名称:Wire House 中文名称:电子化经纪公司指拥有多个分支机构的经纪公司,通过电子通讯系统连接起来,高效迅速地传递重要金融资讯。···

    2022-01-05 13:18:48
  • RICS House Price Balance

    An indicator of the expected monthly change in house prices in the UK, published by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). The RICS house price b···

    2022-01-05 15:35:25
  • Clearing House of the Hong Kong Association of Banks


    2022-01-04 23:12:01