BNO Truth: Hong Kong residents, come here! Then I can make another fast buck!
原标题:BNO Truth: Hong Kong residents, come here! Then I can make another fast buck!(Created by Dong Nuo and Zhang Zhou)[责任编辑: Liu···
BCOM Finance (Hong Kong) Limited
BA Finance (Hong Kong) Limited
Hong Kong Interbank Offer Rate - HIBOR
An interest rate stated in Hong Kong dollars on the lending and borrowing between banks in the Hong Kong interbank market. The terms of the deposits vary from···
HKD (Hong Kong Dollars)
The currency abbreviation or currency symbol for the Hong Kong dollar (HKD), the currency for Hong Kong. The Hong Kong dollar is made up of 100 cents and if of···
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx)
A publicly-traded holding company created in 2000 through the merger of The Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the Hong Kong Futures Exchange and the Hong Kong Securiti···
HIBOR(Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate)
英文名称:HIBOR(Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate) 中文名称:香港银行间同业拆借利率"在香港银行间市场上借款的基本利率,币种为港元,期限从隔夜到一年不等,是国际···
Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKG) .HK
One of the world's largest securities markets by market capitalization, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange traces its origins to the founding of China's first formal···