来源:时代财经 近日,李宁(2331.HK)披露截至2022年3月31日的第一季度运营情况。 数据显示,李宁(不包括李宁YOUNG)在整个平台的同店销售按年取得20%-30%的低段增长;另外,截···
肖战也带不动?万元羽绒服后 波司登又推千元防晒衣 月销22件
继万元羽绒服后,走高端路线的国产羽绒服品牌波司登推出了千元防晒衣。 5月16日,波司登户外旗舰店悄然入···
Repo 105
An accounting trick in which a company classifies a short-term loan as a sale and subsequently uses the cash proceeds from said sale to reduce its liabilities.···
Repo Rate
英文名称:Repo Rate 中文名称:回购利率用来计算回购交易中利息收入的利率。参见回购协议(Repo)。e.g. The 14-day and 21-day repo rate on the interbank money···
Repo Market
英文名称:Repo Market 中文名称:回购市场指专供企业进行回购交易的市场。在回购市场上,企业通过回购协议可以融入短期资金。e.g. It seems the pressure is now···
Term Repo
英文名称:Term Repo 中文名称:定期回购"回购协议的一种,协议中约定的回购期限通常为30天或90天。e.g. Activity has picked up in the Term Repo markets for Tr···
Buyout Repo
英文名称:Buyout Repo 中文名称:买断式回购又称开放式回购。是投资者以交易所挂牌交易的国债作抵押的融资行为,有正回购和逆回购。债券拥有者是正回购方,正回购方···
Collateralized Repo
英文名称:Collateralized Repo 中文名称:质押式回购交易的双方以债券为权利质押而进行的短期资金融通业务。在质押式回购交易中,正回购方在将债券抵押给逆回购方融入资金的同···
Implied Repo Rate
The rate of return that can be earned by simultaneously selling a bond futures or forward contract and then buying an actual bond of equal amount in the cash m···
Real-Time Trade Reporting
A requirement imposed on market makers (and in some instances, non market makers) to report each trade immediately after the transaction is completed. Traded s···