
  • One on One

    英文名称:One on One 中文名称:一对一会议指发行人与单一机构投资者进行的会议,一般只安排给很有可能买入相当数量股票和表示有兴趣与管理层会面的大型机构。···

    2022-01-05 13:30:11
  • 理想ONE开辅助驾驶追尾停路边的车!客服称司机没握方向盘


    2022-08-15 16:03:31
  • 理想ONE去年四季度交付量同比增长143.5%


    2022-02-25 20:07:53
  • 广发one卡额度是多少 你知道银行主要看什么吗


    2021-08-16 12:44:07
  • 理想ONE降价停产背后:产能不足而取舍 直销弊端不容忽视


    2022-09-06 18:46:53
  • One-Touch Option

    A type of exotic option that gives an investor a payout once the price of the underlying asset reaches or surpasses a predetermined barrier. This type of optio···

    2022-01-05 15:37:02
  • One-Cancel-All Order

    A type of order comprising several limit orders for several companies, but in the event that one gets filled, the rest are canceled. This type of order allows···

    2022-01-05 16:20:48
  • One To Many

    A trading platform where all buyers and sellers transact with a sole market operator. Whereas a normal exchange involves the operator matching buyers with sell···

    2022-01-05 16:20:54
  • 理想ONE高速起火?官方回应:消防部门已介入 事故原因还需进一步调查


    2022-08-02 18:42:20
  • One-Way Market

    1) A market which only can quote a firm price on either the bid or the ask side. This can be caused by temporary market inefficiencies or by regulatory control···

    2022-01-05 16:21:04
  • 广发one卡信用卡是金卡还是普卡


    2021-08-16 03:11:04
  • Double One-Touch Option

    A type of exotic option that gives an investor an agreed upon payout if the price of the underlying asset reaches or surpasses one of two predetermined barrier···

    2022-01-05 15:43:27
  • OCO(One Cancels the Other)

    英文名称:OCO(One Cancels the Other) 中文名称:二择一委托投资者在一张委托单上的限价指令包括两个买进指令(或两个卖出指令),执行一个指令则自动取消另一个指令。···

    2022-01-05 13:37:30
  • 理想ONE升级换代突然降价两万元 车主以涉嫌消费欺诈发起集体投诉

      因理想汽车涉嫌消费欺诈,理想ONE车主正在平台发起集体投诉。   界面新闻注意到,从9月2日起,有不少消费者···

    2022-09-04 16:16:24
  • 广发one卡信用卡额度一般是多少

    提问: 广发one卡信用卡额度一般是多少 理财序回答: 广发one卡信用卡最高额度是五万。用户成功申请了广发one卡信用卡金卡之后,在个人资质较好的情况下,可以享受到五万的信用卡···

    2021-09-09 17:24:08