
  • Take or Pay

    英文名称:Take or Pay 中文名称:必付合约一项合约条款,规定交易方必须缴付特定金额或收取交付的货品。···

    2022-01-05 13:53:18
  • 花费上万 学员才充了“终身VIP” 万门大学疑似跑路:总部人去楼空

      才交了“终身VIP”的费用,结果企业就“跑路”了?  3月22日,有媒体爆出,面向职场人士和大学生提供职业技能培训···

    2022-03-24 08:14:03
  • Take the Offer


    2022-01-05 14:06:58
  • 花费5000亿打造东方芯港后,国家再次出手,全力扶持华为


    2021-09-12 18:21:52
  • Take A Bath

    A slang term referring to the situation of an investor who has experienced a large loss from an investment or speculative position. Investors whose shares have···

    2022-01-05 14:29:31
  • Take-Out Lender

    A type of financial institution that provides a long-term mortgage on property. This mortgage will replace interim financing, such as a construction loan. Take···

    2022-01-05 15:49:32
  • 花费超2200亿美元!卡塔尔世界杯远超近八届赛事成本总和


    2022-11-21 16:43:22
  • 花费超2200亿美元?卡塔尔或打造“史上最贵”世界杯!远超近八届世界杯成本总和?怎么花掉的

      2022年卡塔尔世界杯正式拉开帷幕。本届世界杯的成本究竟有多少?这些投入可能会带来哪些经济收益?   目前还···

    2022-11-21 23:04:09
  • 花费时间学习邯郸期货手续费相关是否超值


    2021-09-03 15:45:25
  • Take position


    2022-01-05 12:35:17
  • Take-Profit Order - T/P

    An order used by currency traders specifying the exact rate or number of pips from the current price point where to close out their current position for a prof···

    2022-01-05 15:33:58
  • Take A Flier

    The slang term for a decision to invest in highly speculative investments. Taobiz explains Take A FlierWhen an investor is taking a flier, he or she is knowing···

    2022-01-05 16:11:22
  • 花费较短的时间了解鸡蛋期货网络开户


    2021-09-03 03:50:48
  • 花费时间关注期货佣金是否有必要

      用户在期货市场投资就必然会涉及到一系列的费用开支问题,例如有保证金,手续费以及期货佣金等等,那么是否需要对期货用金进行深入的分析和了解呢? 直接···

    2021-09-03 18:15:25
  • Pay Date

    英文名称:Pay Date 中文名称:付息日"指支付股东、息票持有人股息、票息的日期。e.g. DTCC should immediately start the process of delivering to the compan···

    2022-01-05 13:36:15