
  • Support (Support Level)

    The price level which, historically, a stock has had difficulty falling below. It is thought of as the level at which a lot of buyers tend to enter the stock.···

    2022-01-05 16:11:08
  • 苹果Apple Pay5折优惠:超市商场指定门店

    苹果Apple Pay出大招啦,今年夏天放出了大羊毛,持续一周的5折优惠活动,并且还有50倍银行积分,此时不刷更待何时,小编为大家介绍一下哪些超市、商场、购物、消费门店可以享受这···

    2021-08-16 13:30:26
  • 2017苹果Apple Pay5折优惠:星巴克、必胜客最高立减80元

    信用卡有个重要作用就是薅羊毛,尤其是美食餐饮优惠券,最受消费者的青睐,2017年度最优惠的活动来啦!苹果Apple Pay从18号起推出了5折优惠活动,包括星巴克、必胜客、汉堡王、哈···

    2021-08-16 13:30:32
  • 苹果Apple Card信用卡怎么激活 苹果Apple Card信用卡激活流程曝光


    2021-08-17 06:50:39
  • 苹果Apple Card信用卡怎么申请 Apple Card开通方法

      年年有苹果新品,自己总是钱不够,可以说是自己努力赚的钱都送给苹果公司,就在今天苹果公司发布的春季新品发布会中宣布发行Apple Card信用卡,Ap···

    2021-08-17 06:51:17
  • 苹果Apple Card信用卡怎么样 苹果Apple Card信用卡有哪些好处

      对于苹果,我们可谓是人人知晓的一个,而然在今天苹果CEO库克宣布发行苹果信用卡,取名“Apple Card”信用卡,在我们热爱苹果系列的热···

    2021-08-17 06:51:23
  • financial support agreement


    2022-01-05 12:07:40
  • Support Test

    One of five tests that must be passed in order to claim someone as a dependent. The Support Test mandates that the taxpayer must have provided more than half o···

    2022-01-05 14:49:28
  • Support Level

    英文名称:Support Level 中文名称:支撑线技术分析中的术语,在某个价格下,一种股票的价格会止跌反弹,这些确定价格在时间上的移动即形成支撑线。e.g. Support Level···

    2022-01-05 13:37:44
  • economic support


    2022-01-05 12:13:05
  • general support grant


    2022-01-05 08:12:09
  • Zone Of Support

    A price zone in which a stock finds support and begins to trade upward once again. In technical analysis, support occurs not at a finite point, but in a zone.···

    2022-01-05 14:50:49
  • Multiple Support Agreement

    An agreement signed by two or more taxpayers who provide financial support for the same dependent. A multiple support agreement allows several persons who join···

    2022-01-05 14:59:07
  • Support

    英文名称:Support 中文名称:支撑价位指这样一个价格水平,在该价格水平之上,买进量多于卖出量,从而价格不会跌至该价格水平之下。参见阻力价位(Resistance)和趋势线(Tr···

    2022-01-05 13:52:37
  • Broker Booth Support System - BBSS

    An electronic system used by the New York Stock Exchange to send orders between brokers and trading booths on the floor of the exchange. The BBSS is an extreme···

    2022-01-05 16:37:53