The Global Dow
An equal-weighted stock index consisting of the stocks of 150 top companies from around the world as selected by Dow Jones editors based on the companies' long···
adj. 球形的;全球的···
Global Fund
A type of mutual fund, closed-end fund or exchange-traded fund that can invest in companies located anywhere in the world, including the investor's own country···
Global Investment Performance Standards - GIPS
Ethical standards to be used by investment managers for creating performance presentations that ensure fair representation and full disclosure of investment pe···
Global Financial Stability Report - GFSR
A semiannual report by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) that assesses the stability of global financial markets and emerging market financing. The Global···
Global Bond
Bonds that can be offered within the euromarket and several other markets simultaneously. |||Unlike eurobonds, global bonds can be issued in the same currency···
Global Registered Share
A share issued and registered in multiple markets around the world. Global registered shares represent the same class of shares. Also known as a "global share"···
Global Depositary Receipt - GDR
1. A bank certificate issued in more than one country for shares in a foreign company. The shares are held by a foreign branch of an international bank. The sh···
Dow Jones Global Titans 50 Index
A market capitalization-weighted index of 50 of the largest multinational companies in the world. The stock universe used for selection is the Dow Jones World···
ISP GLOBAL(08487)预期中期股东应占综合净亏损同比大增至80万-85万新加坡元
ISP GLOBAL(08487)公布,该集团预计截至 2021年12月31日止六个月将取得公司拥有人应占综合净亏损约80万···
ISP GLOBAL(08487.HK)中期由盈转亏99.6万坡元
ISP GLOBAL(08487.HK)公告,截至2021年12月31日止六个月,公司收益1201万坡元,同比增长1.6倍;期间亏损99.6···
ISP GLOBAL(08487)委任曹春萌为董事会主席等职
ISP GLOBAL(08487)公布,蒙景耀已退任董事会主席及公司提名委员会主席,自2022年3月4日起生效,惟继续担任···
ISP GLOBAL(08487.HK):曹春萌获委任为董事会主席
格隆汇3月4日丨ISP GLOBAL(08487.HK)公告,以下变动自2022年3月4日起生效:1.蒙景耀已退任董事会主席及公···
Global Macro Strategy
英文名称:Global Macro Strategy 中文名称:全球宏观策略对冲投资策略的一种,基于对利率变化、资金动向、政治变动、政府政策、政府间关系等因素的预测和分析,以决···
Joint Global Coordinator
英文名称:Joint Global Coordinator 中文名称:联席全球协调人指几个投资银行或金融机构共同协调做某个项目的承销活动。···