
  • After Tax Operating Income - ATOI

    A company's total operating income after taxes. This non-GAAP measure excludes any after-tax benefits or charges such as effects from accounting changes.|||Due···

    2022-01-05 15:32:29
  • Operating Funds

    英文名称:Operating Funds 中文名称:运营资金指公司、企业日常经营活动中用于周转使用的资金,一般为公司流动资金减去流动负债。运营资金的形式不仅限于现金,还包···

    2022-01-05 13:14:36
  • Operating Income

    英文名称:Operating Income 中文名称:营运收入业务营运带来的利润。e.g. Operating income rose by 112.3% to $642.1 million, or 27.58% of net revenue, in···

    2022-01-05 13:29:45
  • Operating Margin

    英文名称:Operating Margin 中文名称:营运利润率指营运利润与销售收入之间的百分比比率,用来衡量公司的营运效率。e.g. The latest operating margin index for···

    2022-01-05 13:32:32
  • Operating Costs

    英文名称:Operating Costs 中文名称:运营成本指公司日常运营所产生的支出,包括销售、管理等的成本。···

    2022-01-05 13:41:16
  • Operating Profit

    英文名称:Operating Profit 中文名称:营运利润指公司营业活动所创造的,未扣除税款和利息成本的利润。也称“扣除利息和税款前的利润”(PBIT)或“营业利润”(trading···

    2022-01-05 13:41:20
  • Operating Lease

    英文名称:Operating Lease 中文名称:营运租赁指为了满足经营上的临时需要或季节性需要而发生的资产租赁。租借方获得的是资产使用权,而并非所有权。···

    2022-01-05 13:42:39
  • Operating Leverage

    英文名称:Operating Leverage 中文名称:营运杠杆指固定成本在公司整体成本结构中所占的比例。基本上一个公司营运杠杆的值越高,其收入受到销售量波动的影响越大···

    2022-01-05 13:48:44
  • Operating Ratio

    英文名称:Operating Ratio 中文名称:营运比率指公司、企业的营运开支与营运收入之间的比率,用于衡量公司的管理营运效率。通常,该比率越小,公司营运的效率越高。···

    2022-01-05 13:48:51
  • Non-operating Cash Flows

    英文名称:Non-operating Cash Flows 中文名称:非营运现金流指与日常业务运营无关的现金流(流入和流出),包括借贷、保险或购买股票、资产销售、股利支付以及其他的···

    2022-01-05 13:49:45
  • Operating Expenses

    英文名称:Operating Expenses 中文名称:营运开支公司维持业务的必需开支。e.g. Operating expenses increased 11% to Ps. 794 million in the six-month perio···

    2022-01-05 13:56:17
  • Pretax Operating Income - PTOI

    An accounting term that refers to the difference between a company's operating revenues (from its primary businesses) and its direct expenses (except taxes) ti···

    2022-01-05 14:57:44
  • Net Operating Loss - NOL

    A period in which a company's allowable tax deductions are greater than its taxable income, resulting in a negative taxable income. This generally occurs when···

    2022-01-05 14:58:34
  • Operating Income Before Depreciation And Amortization - OIBDA

    A non-GAAP measure of financial performance used by companies to show profitability in continuing business activities, excluding the effects of capitalization···

    2022-01-05 15:21:23
  • Net Operating Profit Less Adjusted Taxes - NOPLAT

    Total operating profits for a firm with adjustments made for taxes. |||NOPLAT measures the total cash available for distribution to financial capital contribut···

    2022-01-05 15:21:39