图片来自网络 美国中文网综合报道 据每日邮报报道 一个简单的笑容可能泄露很多秘密,从快乐到尴尬,甚至害怕或者轻浮,但事实上你知道吗,你的笑容还可能反映出你从哪···
Short and medium term loans
Middle Office
英文名称:Middle Office 中文名称:中间部门在金融机构结算过程中与前端部门关系最密切的一部分,其主要工作是记录交易及交易头寸。···
Middle Rate
A term used to describe the average rate agreed upon when conducting foreign exchange. The middle rate is calculated using the median average of the bid and of···
Intermediate/Medium-Term Debt
A type of fixed income security with a maturity, or date of principle repayment, that is set to occur in the next 3-10 years. Bonds and other fixed income prod···
Middle Income Trap
中等收入陷阱:Middle Income Trap···
Medium and Long-term Loans
英文名称:Medium and Long-term Loans 中文名称:中长期贷款指贷款期限在1年以上(不含1年)的贷款。···
Middle East and North Africa - MENA
A region encompassing approximately 22 countries in the Middle East and North Africa. The MENA region accounts for approximately 6% of the world’s popula···
Europe, Middle East and Africa - EMEA
The region classification for a division of an international company that operates in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The division that operates in the EME···
Euro Medium Term Note - EMTN
A flexible medium-term debt instrument that is issued and traded outside of Canada and the United States and requires fixed dollar payments. EMTNs are issued d···
Medium Term Note - MTN
1. A note that usually matures in five to 10 years. 2. A corporate note continuously offered by a company to investors through a dealer. Investors can choose f···