
  • 翁格玛丽效应

    简介 翁格玛丽效应,是教育心理学的术语,意思是对受教育者进行心理暗示:你很行,你能够学得更好。从而使受教育者认识自我,挖掘潜能,增强信心。 参考 百度百科、雅虎百科、GG百科···

    2022-03-09 07:54:17
  • 六西格玛

    六西格玛管理法简介   六西格玛(6σ)概念于1986年由摩托罗拉公司的比尔·史密斯提出,此概念属于品质管理范畴,西格玛(Σ,σ)是希腊字母,这是统计学里的一个单位,表示与平···

    2021-12-03 06:00:53
  • 西格列汀二甲双胍缓释片首仿获批上市


    2022-01-13 10:41:09
  • 六西格玛管理统计指南--MINTAB使用指导

    版权信息  书 名: 六西格玛管理统计指南--MINTAB使用指导   作 者:马逢时刘传冰  出版社: 中国人民大学出版社  出版时间: 2007  ISBN: 9787300086347  开本: 16···

    2021-10-22 15:15:19
  • 六西格玛设计

    六西格玛设计概述   六西格玛设计就是按照合理的流程、运用科学的方法准确理解和把握顾客需求,对新产品/新流程进行健壮设计、使产品/流程在低成本下实现六西格玛质量水平···

    2022-03-02 18:57:44
  • 精益6西格玛物流

    精益6西格玛物流概述   随着市场竞争的加剧,质量和速度都成了企业制胜不可或缺的条件。传统的精益治理是一种消除浪费、提高速度与生产率的方法,关注流程速度与效率的方法···

    2022-02-01 22:52:27
  • Foreign Exchange Control

    英文名称:Foreign Exchange Control 中文名称:外汇管制指一个国家或地区为了执行某一时期的金融货币政策,以政府法令形式对外汇买卖、国际结算、外汇汇率等方面···

    2022-01-05 13:50:52
  • Foreign Currency Convertible Bond - FCCB

    A type of convertible bond issued in a currency different than the issuer's domestic currency. In other words, the money being raised by the issuing company is···

    2022-01-05 15:59:45
  • Globally Floored Contract

    A guarantee found in structured investment products that provides a minimum payoff at maturity. A globally floored contract will protect the investor or minimi···

    2022-01-05 14:20:08
  • Salary Reduction Contribution

    A cash- or deferred-contribution arrangement of an employer-sponsored retirement plan, under which participants can choose to set aside part of their pre-tax c···

    2022-01-05 15:06:13
  • Agency Automatic Contributions

    A benefit that federal government employees receive for participating in the thrift savings plan. More specifically, this benefit refers to how the government···

    2022-01-05 15:12:29
  • Certified Senior Consultant - CSC

    A certification indicating knowledge in key issues facing aging members of the population (individuals in their 50s, 60s and 70s) including Social Security, Me···

    2022-01-05 15:30:22