
  • 术语、定义是如何在期货交易活动中被使用的?(4)


    2021-10-06 14:49:10
  • 术语、定义是如何在期货交易活动中被使用的?(5)

    反向市场(Inverted Market)一个新近交割月份的期货合约的价格比较远交割月份的合约更高的期货市场。最后交易日(Last Trading Day)某一确定月份中特定合约交易可以发生的最···

    2021-10-06 14:59:07
  • 术语、定义是如何在期货交易活动中被使用的?(2)


    2021-10-06 15:04:10
  • 术语、定义是如何在期货交易活动中被使用的?(6)

    单方(Per Side)在建立交易头寸和进行对冲交易时,通常都要向交易单方收取一定的费用。有些时候,为了在广告或在你的报表中显得费用更加低廉,佣金会以单方费率列示出来。仓位限制···

    2021-10-06 15:09:06
  • A股术语知多少?股票术语简易介绍


    2021-10-01 17:58:08
  • 术语类问题和动力煤期货手续费都会对投资人造成影响


    2021-09-03 15:15:23
  • 术语、定义是如何在期货交易活动中被使用的?(3)

    商品期货交易委员会(CommodityFutures Trading Commission, CFTC)商品期货交易委员会于1975年成立,该委员会管理在美国的所有商品期货和期货期权合约交易。这个委员会由主席···

    2021-10-06 14:34:10
  • 术语、定义是如何在期货交易活动中被使用的?(1)


    2021-10-06 14:39:05
  • Cash Flow After Taxes - CFAT

    A measure of financial performance that looks at the company's ability to generate cash flow through its operations. It is calculated by adding back non-cash a···

    2022-01-05 15:30:45
  • Cash Flow Return on Investment - CFROI

    A valuation model that assumes the stock market sets prices based on cash flow, not on corporate performance and earnings. |||It's valuable to consider as many···

    2022-01-05 15:30:47
  • Cash Flow Per Share

    A measure of a firm's financial strength, calculated as follows:|||Many analysts, as well as some of the greatest investors of all time, place more weight on c···

    2022-01-05 15:30:51
  • cash flow lending


    2022-01-05 12:07:26
  • Price-to-cash-flow Ratio

    英文名称:Price-to-cash-flow Ratio 中文名称:股价与现金流比率衡量公司财务风险水平的指标。计算方法:每股股价/每股现金流量。···

    2022-01-05 13:36:50
  • Operating Cash Flow Margin

    A measure of the money a company generates from its core operations per dollar of sales. The operating cash flow can be found on the company's cash flow statem···

    2022-01-05 16:20:56
  • Free Cash Flow For The Firm - FCFF

    A measure of financial performance that expresses the net amount of cash that is generated for the firm, consisting of expenses, taxes and changes in net worki···

    2022-01-05 15:25:41