“谷歌黑板报”微信公众号消息,4月28日,Android安全和隐私团队通过谷歌官微发文称,去年5月,其推出了Google Play···
官网更名、首个海外工厂落地 比亚迪出海加速
8月,比亚迪海外海外销售新能源乘用车5092辆,环比增长26.48%。 比亚迪正在加速向一家全球化汽车公司迈进···
In Play
A slang phrase used to describe a firm who has become a potential takeover target or has put itself up for sale. Once a bid is made, a company is put "in play"···
A slang term that describes the positive aspects of an investment decision. A play in investing is the reason why an investor made his or her decision. "Playi···
Momo Play
A slang term used to describe an investment purely as a momentum play, not worrying about the company's fundamentals. This is practiced more often by day trade···
Asset Play
An incorrectly valued stock that is attractive because its combined asset value is greater than its market capitalization. This type of stock is called an asse···
Triple Play
In investments, a stock that simultaneously beats analyst expectations for revenue and earnings and also raises earnings guidance for future quarters. The term···
Pure Play
A company devoted to one line of business, or a company whose stock price is highly correlated with the fortunes of a specific investing theme or strategy. Tao···
People play diabolo in Handan, N China's Hebei
原标题:People play diabolo in Handan, N China’s HebeiPeople play diabolo at the square of Handan Culture and Arts Cen···
仅音频的群组聊天应用程序Clubhouse在今年年初非常受欢迎。当时,该应用程序(需要邀请才能加入)仅在Apple App Store中可用。3月下旬,Clubhouse的创始人保罗·戴维森(Pau···
Wild Card Play
Having the right to deliver on a futures contract at the last closing price, even though the contract is no longer trading. This is similar to the wild card op···