
  • Super NOW Account

    An account created in 1982 that offers a higher interest rate than a NOW account but lower interest than a money market account. Specific requirements, such as···

    2022-01-05 14:24:20
  • Super Hedging

    A strategy that hedges positions with a self-financing trading strategy. In an incomplete market, such as options, the cost of such a strategy may prove too hi···

    2022-01-05 14:29:34
  • Super Currency

    A supranational currency printed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) that would be tied to a basket of reserve currencies. The concept of a global "super···

    2022-01-05 15:34:37
  • Super Sinker

    A bond with long-term coupons but a short-term maturity. Super sinkers are usually home-financing bonds that give bondholders their principal back right away i···

    2022-01-05 15:49:38
  • 减速器“小巨人”加速跑 科峰传动迎爆发式增长


    2022-04-19 17:15:42
  • RV减速器风起云涌!中大力德“半个机器人”能否成就下一个绿的谐波?

      RV减速器风起云涌!中大力德“半个机器人”能否成就下一个绿的谐波?| 工业机器人主题一  来源:市值风云  谐波减速器竞争格局基本已定,RV减速器尚未决出胜负。  作者|···

    2022-06-30 18:53:32
  • 减速器成机器人最强分支!龙头股9天6板创历史新高 产业链A股玩家有这些


    2022-07-28 20:27:24
  • 减速器概念板块直线下挫 联诚精密跌停

      南方财经8月3日电,减速器概念直线下挫 ,汉宇集团跌超10%,联诚精密跌停,秦川机床、宁波东力、爱仕达等跟跌。 (文···

    2022-08-03 13:52:22
  • 减速器概念板块持续走低


    2022-08-04 11:22:37
  • 减速器概念股开盘领涨

      减速器概念股开盘领涨,汉宇集团、绿的谐波涨超10%,南方精工、爱仕达、双环传动、联诚精密等纷纷冲高。 (文章来···

    2022-08-12 09:48:52
  • 减速器概念股开盘领跌 南方精工跌超9%


    2022-08-15 09:53:23
  • 减速器板块持续走强 中大力德涨停


    2022-09-20 14:13:26
  • Super-voting Share

    英文名称:Super-voting Share 中文名称:有超级表决权的股票指部分股票持有人具有较大表决权的一类股票,常见于美国市场。···

    2022-01-05 13:33:52
  • Super Bowl Indicator

    An indicator based on the belief that a Super Bowl win for a team from the old AFL (AFC division) foretells a decline in the stock market for the coming year,···

    2022-01-05 14:29:21
  • Super Upside Note - SUN

    An investment instrument with which an investor holds a long position in a stock, and leverages his or her position by purchasing additional shares of the same···

    2022-01-05 16:11:44