Tax Break
A tax break is a savings on a taxpayer's liability. A tax break provides a savings through tax deductions, tax credits, tax exemptions and other incentives. An···
Buy Break
A type of recommendation to buy an asset once the price is able to surpass an influential level of resistance. A move above resistance is used as a buy signal···
BEP(Break Even Point)
英文名称:BEP(Break Even Point) 中文名称:收支平衡点通常指收入和损失的平衡点。在交易方面指现有的头寸不亏损也不获利。在公司财务方面指总收入恰好被固定和可···
Failed Break
A price movement through an identified level of support or resistance that does not have enough momentum to maintain its direction. Since the validity of the b···
Break Issue
A type of stock initial public offering (IPO) that trades below the original offering price to the market within the first few months after trading begins. A b···
跳出“房价经济”束缚 让开发商紧张起来
跳出价值惯性思维 别被疯癫的市场先生牵着鼻子走
近期引发全球关注的猴痘病例继续在增加。 截至5月25日,根据欧洲疾控中心和世界卫生组织的统计,已至少有2···
Pass-Through Security
A pool of fixed-income securities backed by a package of assets. A servicing intermediary collects the monthly payments from issuers, and, after deducting a fe···
Pass-Through Rate
The rate on a securitized asset pool - such as a mortgage-backed security (MBS) - that is "passed-through" to investors once management fees and guarantee fees···
Coupon Pass
The purchase of treasury notes or bonds from dealers, by the Federal Reserve. |||The "coupon" refers to the coupons which are the main difference between T-not···