界面早报|国庆假期全国国内旅游出游4.22亿人次 国际原油期货结算价大幅上涨
强劲非农引爆激进加息预期,美股三大指数集体收跌。 国庆假期全国国内旅游出游4.22亿人次 据央视新闻,···
工信部批准中国联通将900MHz频段频率资源重耕用于5G系统 据工信部网站消息,为深入贯彻落实党的二十大关···
界面新闻2022中国顶级风险投资人榜单发布 沈南鹏、刘芹、李骁军、张颖、倪泽望分列前五
该系列榜单旨在为创业者、FOF及LP提供创投行业最真实的状况。 2022年11月30日,界面新闻第六次推出「中···
界面早报|北京发布助企纾困“新12条” 专家建议对新冠患者分层救治
界面晚报|北京7年来首次在12月发布沙尘预警 春运机票预订量环比增长近8.5倍
界面晚报|中国信通院:已删除通信行程卡相关数据 今起北京恢复跨省游及机酒业务
Tax Home
An individual's primary place of work or residence. This is used when determining tax for travel or transportation expenses. Many travel deductions require tha···
Away From Home
The IRS criteria used to establish whether or not you are within commuting distance from home. If you work away from home for longer than a normal workday and···
Home Debtor
An individual who holds a large mortgage with little or no equity in the home. The term "home debtor" is often used to describe those who will likely never be···
Over-55 Home Sale Exemption
An obsolete tax law that provided homeowners over the age of 55 with a one-time capital gains exclusion. Individuals who met the necessary requirements could e···
Main Home
A term used by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to define the home a taxpayer has lived in most of the time during a given taxation year, or the only home a···
Home Office
An office located inside the taxpayer's home that serves as the taxpayer's principal place of business. In order for home office-related expenses such as utili···
Home Mortgage
A loan given by a bank, mortgage company or other financial institution for the purchase of a primary or investment residence. In a home mortgage, the owner of···