
  • Pac-Man Defense

    A defensive tactic used by a targeted firm in a hostile takeover situation. In a Pac-Man defense, the target firm turns around and tries to acquire the other c···

    2022-01-05 16:20:18
  • Hanging Man

    A bearish candlestick pattern that forms at the end of an uptrend. It is created when there is a significant sell-off near the market open, but buyers are able···

    2022-01-05 16:27:32
  • Man Investments Ltd.全球最大的对冲管理公司

    资产分布板块先后依滴序位: 货泉,债券,能源,股票,利率,金属,农产物。—ú抗螅〉慊鞑榭醇矍。Pemba Credit Advisers— Man Investments Ltd.—1%位货泉投资。 进···

    2022-11-17 03:39:02
  • Dirty Float/Manageg Float

    英文名称:Dirty Float/Manageg Float 中文名称:管理浮动汇率制指由政府或中央银行管制且不对外宣布汇率目标的一种制度。···

    2022-01-05 13:16:41
  • Fat Man Strategy

    A takeover defense tactic that involves the acquisition of a business or assets by a target company. The strategy is based on the premise that the bulked-up co···

    2022-01-05 16:30:02
  • Bag Man

    Any person in charge of organizing and collecting contributions to political parties or funds gathered for political reasons. These contributions may be legiti···

    2022-01-05 15:04:50
  • Collective Asset Management

    英文名称:Collective Asset Management 中文名称:集合理财又叫集合资产管理计划,本质属于客户资产管理业务,即券商接受投资者委托,将投资者的资金募集到一起进行管···

    2022-01-05 13:18:58
  • Pac Man

    A form of defense used in a hostile takeover situation. The target firm turns around and tries to take over the company that has made the hostile bid. Just thi···

    2022-01-05 14:33:38
  • Remainder Man

    The person who receives the principal remaining in a trust account after all other required payments have been made, such as those to the beneficiary and expen···

    2022-01-05 15:06:32
  • 邓伦因偷税漏税被罚1.06亿:抖音微博账号被封 多个品牌方终止合作

      原标题:邓伦因偷税漏税被罚1.06亿,抖音微博账号被封,多个品牌方终止合作  上海市税务局第四稽查局依据相关法律法规规定,对邓伦追缴税款、加收滞纳金并处罚款,共计1.06亿元···

    2022-03-16 00:03:59
  • 邓伦道歉!微博、抖音火速被封!多个品牌终止合作 其商业“版图”曝光

      继郑爽张恒之后,又一明星偷逃税被查。   15日,上海市税务局第四稽查局依法对邓伦偷逃税案件进行处理,对邓伦···

    2022-03-16 00:08:33
  • 邓伦工作室、邓伦个人微博账号均已被封


    2022-03-15 18:48:40
  • 邓伦发布致歉信 其工作室微博和抖音账号被封


    2022-03-15 17:43:47
  • 邓伦偷逃税 爱奇艺受伤

      “精细化选择”   邓伦偷逃税的后果正在呈现。  3月15日,上海市税务局官网通报邓伦偷逃税案件。演员邓伦···

    2022-03-16 18:43:45
  • 邓伦承认偷逃税并道歉 云米、久久丫宣布解约 菜鸟裹裹紧急澄清


    2022-03-15 20:03:50