开酒吧大概需要的投资额 虽然有点高但是效益好
目录 1 概述 2 举例说明 3 参考文献···
52-Week High/Low
52周高点/低点The highest and lowest price at which a stock has traded in the past 12 months, or 52 weeks. Many investors see the 52-week high or low as an impo···
High Flyer
英文名称:High Flyer 中文名称:高价投机股通常指交易价格比根据基本面推测的价格高的股票。e.g. Former mining high flyer, Poseidon (POS.AU), iron ore magn···
High Earners, Not Rich Yet - HENRYs
A buzzword coined in a 2003 Fortune Magazine article to refer to a segment of families earning between $250,000 and $500,000, but not having much left after ta···
Swing High
A term used in technical analysis that refers to the peak reached by an indicator or an asset's price. A swing high is formed when the high of a price is great···
High-Low Index
An index that seeks to provide confirmation of a market trend by comparing the daily number of stocks reaching new 52-week highs with the number reaching new 5···
High Minus Low - HML
One of three factors in the Fama and French asset pricing model. HML accounts for the spread in returns between value and growth stocks. HML argues that compan···
Today's High
The intraday high trading price. In other words, this is the highest price at which a stock traded during the course of the day. Taobiz explains Today's HighMo···
Record High
The highest historical price level reached by a security, commodity or index during trading. The record high is measured from when the instrument first starts···
High Flier
A stock that has seen its share price - and subsequently its valuation - rise to high multiples on metrics such as current earnings and current sales. Usually,···
High Close
A tactic used by stock manipulators; they make small trades at high prices during the final minutes of trading to give the impression that the stock did very w···
High-grade Bond
英文名称:High-grade Bond 中文名称:高信用等级债券"指被穆迪氏投资服务公司或标准普尔等信用评级机构评为AA级或AAA级的债券。e.g. April's tally of new high···
High-Water Mark
The highest peak in value that an investment fund/account has reached. This term is often used in the context of fund manager compensation, which is performanc···