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期货 英文,股指期货什么意思?通俗点讲,谢谢!
企业财务会计报表封面 FINANCIAL REPORT COVER 报表所属期间之期末时间点 Period Ended 所属月份 Reporting Period 报出日期 Submit Date 记账本位币币···
期权 英文,判断期权价内或价外看涨看跌标准是什么?
Near Money
英文名称:Near Money/Quasi Money 中文名称:准货币指除现金以外的高流动性资产,如银行存单、政府短期债券等。e.g. Near money–cash equivalent and other assets that are ea···
英文名称:Money 中文名称:货币被当作货币的物品,常常具有充当一般等价物的特征,用于支付商品劳务和清偿债务,具有交换媒介、价值尺度、延期支付标准或完全流动的财···
Out of the Money
英文名称:Out of the Money 中文名称:期权处于价外状态指持有者行使期权没有获利价值的状态,即标的资产的当前价格低于期权合约中约定的买入价格或高于卖出价格···
At The Money
英文名称:At the Money 中文名称:期权处于平价状态指标的资产的当前价格与期权合约中约定的买入价格或卖出价格非常接近的状态,可以略低或略高。An option is at-the-money if···
Out Of The Money - OTM
1. For a call, when an option's strike price is higher than the market price of the underlying asset. 2. For a put, when the strike price is below the market p···
In The Money
1. For a call option, when the option's strike price is below the market price of the underlying asset.2. For a put option, when the strike price is above the···
Hot Money
1. Money that flows regularly between financial markets as investors attempt to ensure they get the highest short-term interest rates possible. Hot money will···
A Ton Of Money
A slang term used to describe a significant amount of money. The amount implied typically depends on the person, company or situation. We may all have a differ···
pp money安全吗?
pp money是一个消费金融平台,为客户提供P2P借贷服务,已稳健运营6年,资金由厦门银行存管,且执行七大风险评估流程,以确保资金的安全。所以说,相对pp money理财相对来说比较安全。不···
accounting for money
client money