
  • 眼镜框氧化发绿怎么办?这招直接省下清洗费!


    2021-08-16 19:12:54
  • 9个数字!带你速读二十大报告

      9个数字!带你速读二十大报告   聚焦二十大报告  党的二十大在京开幕 习近平代表第十九届中央委员会向大···

    2022-10-17 12:50:06
  • 12个数字经济项目签约入驻 数动未来空间站在南京江宁高新区揭牌开放


    2022-11-26 14:18:15
  • 27个数字带你了解中国人寿2021年报


    2022-03-25 13:49:15
  • 7个数字揭示美国西部最大危机:至少美国建国以后没有过!

      干旱正在成为美国西部面临的最大危机,综合各媒体报道,这已是美国建国200多年以来最严重的一次干旱。   自20···

    2022-08-12 16:59:46
  • Asset Size

    The total market value of the securities in a mutual fund's portfolio. Total assets or total net assets are also used to describe a fund's size. When it comes···

    2022-01-05 14:28:31
  • Normal Market Size

    A share classification structure based on the number of shares outstanding. This determines the number of shares that a market maker can trade at the quoted pr···

    2022-01-05 16:20:59
  • Bid Size

    The number of shares a buyer is willing to purchase at the quoted bid price. Taobiz explains Bid SizeFor example, if the bid price is $20 and the bid size is 2···

    2022-01-05 16:38:50
  • Tick Size

    The minimum price movement of a trading instrument. The price movements of different trading instruments varies. For example, if the minimum price movement of···

    2022-01-05 15:13:54
  • Box Size

    In the context of Point & Figure Charts, the box size is the minimum price change that must occur for a given period before a mark (an X or an O) is added to t···

    2022-01-05 14:56:25
  • Contract Size

    The deliverable quantity of goods or commodities underlying futures, forward and option contracts. Each contract will have a well defined contract size. For ex···

    2022-01-05 14:21:48
  • 9个数据看懂2021中国能源


    2022-01-19 10:40:40
  • 这个数字一年三降 让4亿人减负!


    2022-12-23 00:05:55
  • 首个数字人民币疫后复工专项补贴在西安落地

      记者获悉,数字人民币智能合约功能近日首次应用于定向补贴疫后复工复产、民生消费复苏。   1月25日,美···

    2022-01-25 17:41:21
  • 两个数据结合起来,说明什么呢?


    2022-01-12 19:30:01