什么是音响商标 以音符编成的一组音乐或以某种非凡声音作为商品或服务的商标即是音响商标。如美国一家唱片公司使用11个音符编成一组乐曲,把它灌制在他们所出售的录音···
Limit Up
英文名称:Limit Up···
cash limit
aggregate limit
Credit Limit
英文名称:Credit Limit/Credit Line 中文名称:信贷额度/信用额度银行允许客户在某一段特定时间之内可以借贷的最高贷款额度,在此段时间内,只要不超过最高额度,客户可以在任何时间···
Deal Limit
Limit Up/Down
英文名称:Limit Up/Down 中文名称:涨停板/跌停板"证券在单一交易日中,价格的最高(最低)限度称为涨停(跌停)板。在我国,沪深交易所对股票、基金交易实行价格涨跌幅限制,幅···
Position Limit
英文名称:Position Limit 中文名称:交易头寸限制指为进行风险控制而规定的单个交易员、一组交易员或一个交易室可以持有的最大持仓量。这种限制可以涵盖任何金···
Loss Limit
英文名称:Loss Limit 中文名称:止损点指交易仓仓位允许承受的最大损失,一旦达到损失上限,交易员必须平仓或减仓以阻止亏损扩大。···
Exercise Limit
A restriction on the amount of option contracts of a single class that any one person or company can exercise within a fixed time period (usually a period of f···
Expense Limit
A limit placed on the operating expenses incurred by a mutual fund. The expense limit is expressed as a percentage of the fund's average net assets and represe···
Buy Limit Order
An order to purchase a security at or below a specified price. A buy limit order allows traders and investors to specify the price that they are willing to pay···
Overnight Limit
The number of currency positions a trader can carry over from one trading day until the next. The central bank that regulates the bank or financial institution···
Limit Order
An order placed with a brokerage to buy or sell a set number of shares at a specified price or better. Limit orders also allow an investor to limit the length···