
  • 云游中国年 云端解乡愁我省2022年“文化进万家 视频直播家乡年”活动启动


    2022-01-13 09:26:08
  • Good for Amount

    英文名称:Good for Amount中文名称:流动性限额···

    2022-01-05 13:03:13
  • Good 'Til Canceled - GTC

    An order to buy or sell a security at a set price that is active until the investor decides to cancel it or the trade is executed. If an order does not have a···

    2022-01-05 15:25:46
  • Good This Month - GTM

    A limit order placed with a broker that will last until the end of the current month. |||If the order is not filled before the end of the month, it will expire···

    2022-01-05 15:25:52
  • Good This Week - GTW

    A market order that is only valid in the week of its placement. If the order is not filled during the week of issue, it will be canceled. A GTW order is only a···

    2022-01-05 16:27:49
  • Too Good To Go与bp的合作伙伴关系在全国范围内展开

    bp 已成为最新一家通过全球最大的食物垃圾应用程序“Too Good To Go”完成全国推广的前院零售商。2020 年 8 月在苏格兰和埃塞克斯启动了初步试点后,剩余食品应用···

    2021-08-29 23:48:02
  • Good Through

    An order to buy or sell a security or commodity at a certain price for a certain period of time, unless it is canceled or changed. Good through is a type of li···

    2022-01-05 15:16:10
  • Good Faith Money

    The deposit of money into an account by a buyer to show that he or she has the intention of completing the deal. In most cases, the deposit amount will be a pe···

    2022-01-05 14:37:39
  • Good Delivery

    英文名称:Good Delivery 中文名称:合格交割指证券背书齐全,所有相关文件齐备,全部交割要求均以实现,买方可以在结算日进行所有权过户。e.g. The good delivery lis···

    2022-01-05 13:33:39
  • Veblen Good

    Goods that are perceived to be exclusive as long as prices remain high or increase. Veblen goods get their name from economist Thorstein Veblen, who was one of···

    2022-01-05 14:10:42
  • good

    adj. 好的;正当的···

    2022-03-25 05:06:11