Scale In
The process of purchasing shares as the price decreases. To scale in (or scaling in) means to set a target price and then invest in increments as the stock fal···
Scale Out
The process of selling portions of total held shares while the price increases. To scale out (or scaling out) means to get out of a position (e.g., to sell) in···
economy of scale
scale economcies
Economies of Scale
英文名称:Economies of Scale 中文名称:规模经济"指随着企业投入的增加,利润上升比例超出投入增加比例的现象。规模经济反映了生产要素的集中程度同经济效益之间···
Scale Order
A type of order that comprises several limit orders at incrementally increasing or decreasing prices. If it is a buy scale order, the limit orders will decreas···
Linear Price Scale
A type of scale used on a chart that is plotted in such a way that the values on the scale are spaced equidistantly. Each unit change is represented by the sam···