
  • 麦田房产分析师:7月北京二手房市场延续平稳修复态势

      7月北京二手房成交12338套,环比上月上涨12%,市场仍处于缓慢恢复中。  纵观7月的北京二手房市场,主要呈现出两···

    2022-08-01 16:42:15
  • 小麦田管正当时 “科技壮苗”夺丰收


    2022-04-01 10:19:39
  • In The Pink

    An informal expression used to describe a situation in which an investor or an economy is in a good financial position. More generally, it refers to being in t···

    2022-01-05 14:36:41
  • Pink Slip Party

    A party that brings together professionals and recruiters who have recently been laid off. Pink slip parties are usually held during tough economic times, when···

    2022-01-05 14:33:16
  • Pink Sheets

    A daily publication compiled by the National Quotation Bureau with bid and ask prices of over-the-counter (OTC) stocks, including the market makers who trade t···

    2022-01-05 16:19:09
  • Pink Slip

    An informal or slang term referring to a notice of dismissal given to an employee. A pink slip is an official notification that a worker's position has been el···

    2022-01-05 14:33:43