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在我们家,身为《华尔街日报》编辑的我是赚钱养家的那一个。而作为古典歌唱家的妻子则负责照顾两个孩子(一个14岁,一个12岁),在孩子的学校做义工,通过教授声乐课和写文章赚点儿外快。根据一项新的研究,这意味着,与妻子挣的和我一样多甚至比我还多的情况相比,我很可能对事业有着更高的满意度。《双职工家庭相对收入对事业满意度和家庭满意度的影响》(The Impact of Relative Earnings Among Dual-Earner Couples on Career Satisfaction and Family Satisfaction)一书的作者之一、康乃尔大学劳工关系学院(ILR School)教授帕梅拉•托尔博特(Pamela Tolbert)在1999-2002年对纽约州485对中产阶级夫妇进行了研究。研究对象都是双职工,即夫妇二人都有全职工作。托尔博特将那些夫妇二人对家庭总收入的贡献都在40%-60%之间的家庭定义为“相等收入”家庭。将丈夫对家庭总收入的贡献在60%以上的家庭定义为“传统”家庭。托尔博特研究了这两类家庭中男性和女性对事业和家庭生活的满意情况。结果是,不出所料,男人喜欢比妻子挣的多。按照托尔博特与该书的另一位作者、以色列奈坦亚学院(Netanya Academic College)的罗妮特•维斯梅尔-迈诺(Ronit Waismel-Manor)的说法,研究发现,收入远远超过妻子的男性对事业的满意度明显高于与妻子收入相当的男性。托尔博特说,当妻子比自己赚得多的时候,男性会感到担忧;我们的头脑中仍有这样的模式。不过,有趣的是,尽管薪酬水平会影响丈夫对事业的满意度,在家庭生活上,金钱看起来并不那么重要。研究人员发现,夫妻俩挣的谁多谁少还是一样多,这对于男性对家庭生活的满意度没有太大影响。男性对生活的满意度往往较高。研究人员说,原因仍众说纷纭。与此同时,与丈夫收入一样多的女性对事业的满意度要明显高于传统家庭中的女性,不过在家庭满意度上要低的多。托尔博特说,她的发现揭示出了一点,那就是太多人仍倾向于过时的性别角色。读者朋友们,你和伴侣的事业和家庭满意度相对你们的家庭收入结构来说怎么样?Robert Sabat(“工作•家” 讲述人们忙碌于工作和家庭之间时,做出的选择和折衷。) var en_headline="Are Men Happier When They Earn More Than Their Wives?"; var en_bodytext="Men Like Earning More Than WivesIn my family, I'm the one who brings home the ratatouille as a Wall Street Journal editor. Meanwhile, my wife, a classical singer, looks after our two children, 14 and 12 years old, volunteers at their schools and brings in some extra money by giving voice lessons and writing.According to a new study, this means I likely have significantly higher career satisfaction than if my wife earned the same or more than me. Pamela Tolbert, the co-author of 'The Impact of Relative Earnings Among Dual-Earner Couples on Career Satisfaction and Family Satisfaction' and a professor at Cornell University's ILR School, looked at 485 middle-class married couples in New York State between 1999 and 2002. They were all dual-earner couples -- both husband and wife held full-time jobs.Ms. Tolbert classified as 'equal-earner' couples those in which both spouses contributed between 40% and 60% of total family income. Those in which the men contributed more than 60% of total family income she classified as 'traditional' couples. Ms. Tolbert examined how satisfied men and women in these arrangements were with both their careers and their family lives.It turns out, not too surprisingly, that men really do like making more than their wives. The study found that men who earn a lot more than their wives report significantly higher career satisfaction than men who earn about the same as their spouses, according to Ms. Tolbert and her co-author, Ronit Waismel-Manor of Israel's Netanya Academic College. 'Husbands feel concerned when wives make more than them,' says Ms. Tolbert. 'We still have these kinds of models in our head.'But, interestingly, although pay levels affect husbands' career satisfaction, money doesn't seem to matter much when it comes to the home front. Whether men earn less, the same or more than their wives has little effect on their reported level of family satisfaction, which tends to be high, the researchers found. The reasons for that are open to speculation, they added.Meanwhile, women who earn the same as their husbands report significantly higher levels of career satisfaction than do women in traditional couples, but significantly lower family satisfaction. The take-home message of her findings, says Ms. Tolbert, is that too many people still cling to outdated gender roles.Juggle readers, how have you and your partners' career and family satisfaction fared in relation to your family's pay structure?Robert Sabat"; document.getElementById("SwitchL").innerHTML="英文"; var FileName="20090727/wvh142532.asp"; var summary="根据一项新的研究,收入比妻子高的男性在事业上有更高的满意度,但收入对家庭生活的满意度却没有太大影响。"; function dayMinus(asStartvalue,asEndvalue) { var loinStart = asStartvalue.split("-"); var loinEnd = asEndvalue.split("-"); var loStart = new Date(loinStart[0],loinStart[1]-1,loinStart[2],0,0,0,0); var loEnd = new Date(loinEnd[0],loinEnd[1]-1,loinEnd[2],0,0,0,0); return (loEnd.getTime()-loStart.getTime())/(1000*24*3600); } datePos = location.pathname.lastIndexOf("/"); var storyDate = location.pathname.substring(datePos, 4); storyDate = storyDate.substring(0, 4) + "-" + storyDate.substring(4, 6) + "-" + storyDate.substring(6, 8); var dateOfNow = new Date(); var today = dateOfNow.getFullYear() + "-" + (dateOfNow.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + dateOfNow.getDate(); dateDiff = dayMinus(storyDate, today); var isExpired = ""; if ((dateDiff > 7) && (username == "" || password == "")) { document.getElementById("A").innerHTML = "该文章只有注册用户登陆后才能阅读。请先 注册 或 登陆 "; document.getElementById("A").style.color = "#303030"; document.getElementById("SwitchL").innerHTML = ""; isExpired="yes"; } var kw; kw="|男人喜欢比老婆挣的多|"; var temp temp=kw.split("|") document.write ("
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