
bonds depends primarily on the of the and financing of the operating of the issuing company. Of , the bonds can lead to low-cost financing, equity dilution is weak, to improve the capital structure, and strong ; For investors, bonds provide both the safety of the principal and give access to potential stock earnings growth . bonds for the use of effective and financing activity, we need to measured bond of the and financing, and financing in order to avoid errors in decision-making. First, the of bond financing analysis The issuance of bonds by the financing of the of earnings per share to reflect. At the of certain , the higher the earnings per share, stock value, the more a more wealth, the better the of financing. Analysis in order to , the following examples. Example: the original capital of the company FeiDa 9 000 million, 0.3 yuan per share, the original debt capital of 5 000 million, the annual interest rate of 3%, 33% income tax rate. is to be 10 1 0 million yuan in new projects, the company decided to issue a face value of 1 000 million, interest rate 1.5% (simple interest), 5-year bonds 100,000, price of 10 Yuan / shares, the period of six month bonds to the maturity of the bonds after the day ended, and an agreement: If the closing price of shares FeiDa 30 trading days below the 70% Price, creditors have the right to hold all or part of bonds to 105% of face value (including the current interest) price to sell the company FeiDa; FeiDa shares if the closing price for 30 trading days the price is higher than 130 percent , FeiDa companies have the right to 105% of face value (including the current interest) will be the price of the Bonds have not yet bought back. In addition, if the company is issuing shares FeiDa financing, according to the current stock market price of 8 / 1 125 million shares issued; if the general issue of bond financing, to issue a face value of 1 000 million, the interest rate 3% (simple interest), 5 years 100,000 bonds. FeiDa company in the project under the premise of change, set up new projects of interest to achieve an annual pre-tax profit for the EBIT, the various modes of financing under the earnings per share (EPS) were as follows: bonds can be converted before: EPS1 = [(EBIT-10 000 × 1.5%) (1-33%) ÷ 9 000] +0.3; After Bonds: EPS2 = [EBIT (1-33%) +0.3 × 9 000] ÷ (1 000 +9 000) (Note: The number of = 10 000 ÷ 10 = 1 000 million); Issue of ordinary shares: EPS3 = [EBIT (1-33%) +0.3 × 9 000] ÷ (1 125 +9 000); General bond issue: EPS4 = [(EBIT-10 000 × 3%) (1-33%) ÷ 9 000] +0.3. It is clear that in new projects no matter how effective are EPS1> EPS4, EPS2> EPS3, that is, if the failure bonds and bond financing is always better than the of bond financing; bonds, if , bond financing is always superior to the of common stock financing. Order EPS1 = EPS3, the mode of financing can be obtained in two of the non-points: EBIT1 = -2 680 (million). Order EPS2 = EPS4, the mode of financing can be obtained in two of the non-points: EBIT2 =- 1 030 (million). (1) When the return on in new projects is very poor, that is, at EBIT <-2 680 million cases, because of new projects FeiDa cause of the decline in the overall of the company, stock prices down not up, bound to fail, then there is EPS3> EPS1> EPS4, bond financing at this time is better than the of bond financing in general worse than the common stock financing. (2) when the new projects in poor, that is, although EBIT at more than -2 680 million, but still not enough to promote the exercise of creditors to the case of equity, then there is EPS1> EPS3, EPS1> EPS4, at this time bond financing is better than the of common stock financing and bond financing in general, is the best option. (3) When the new project a very good returns, that is, companies in the Mainland share prices have risen, and the exercise of incentive to creditors to the case of equity, EBIT much higher than -1 030 million, while there is EPS4> EPS2> EPS3 at this time could be better than the of debt financing to the financing of ordinary shares in the general bond financing bad. The above analysis results show that the interests of the , in most cases, the use of bond financing are favorable, the main reasons are: 1. Low-cost financing. bond interest rates below the general rate bonds and tax credits have the effect. If the failure, which is to the company issued bonds with lower interest rates. Of course, the bond financing, low-cost advantage will gradually disappear as the , but compared with the direct offering financing, or saving some of the costs of pre-. 2. Diluted share capital of the weak role. Diluted share capital of the new equity refers to the old equity dilution resulting from the specific of the non-operating earnings per share decline, stock prices fell. Although gradually bonds, the equity dilution effect will gradually, but the dilution effect has lagged behind, offering direct financing to avoid the rapid expansion of equity shares arising problem down. In addition, higher prices because of financing a lot of issued shares, the total amount of financing certain , the is less than the number of shares the number of direct, to some extent, reduced equity dilution effect. 3. To improve the capital structure. The use of bond financing, is bound to improve the company balance sheet, increased financial risk. General Notes to this effect until the maturity of the bonds to repay, and bonds of this effect in most cases are temporary, with the exercise-to-equity swap, the original principal amount of the debt into a permanent capital inputs at the same time reduce the increased by the interests of capital, financial risks decline, the company's capital structure improved.

4. . The adoption of common stock and common bond financing, in the scale of financing, financing companies on the issue of time and financial , such as on the law have more stringent controls, such as the previous fund-raising time of less than a year, continue to use these financing methods will be limited. At this point the use of bond financing to avoid the law. In addition, the form of bonds a variety of companies in with the needs of investors and companies choose their own different way of bond financing. Two, bond analysis bonds of can be reflected through the income. units in the of the must, at the same time to obtain higher return on , better . FeiDa is to invest in the above analysis shows the company as an example. To simplify the analysis process, ignores the impact of personal income tax, and assuming that investors in the Notes after the of the period to the transfer of ownership does not. 1. When issued in good company when the share prices will rise even more than the price , are favorable at this time, investors will transfer some or all of the exercise of options. Must be noted that the investors receive shares of is not the same as premium income when the stock market in the prices and bad, because after the bring the equity share capital increase will lead to dilution effects of stock price declines, thereby share premium will offset some of the proceeds. Example bid on, set the price for the at P0, all Notes may convert the price after the P1, based on the principle of no-arbitrage , there is: P1 = (9 000P0 +1 000 × 10) ÷ (9 000 +1 000) = 1 +0.9 P0. The that investors in bonds before maturity , then: A 5-year bonds amounted to earnings: R1 = 1 000 × 1.5% × 5 + (1 +0.9 P0-10) × (1 000 ÷ 10); a general 5-year revenue bond amount: R2 = 1 000 × 3% × 5 = 150 (million). So that R1 = R2, can be obtained for receipts of non-point: P0 = 10.83 (RMB / share). It is clear that only in the stock market value of more than 10.83 yuan / exercise-to-equity shares, bonds before the is superior to the general bond . If bond investors select a certain time before the of the , analysis of its , the need to consider the dividend increase and loss of revenue bonds the between the interest income. Therefore, this case of bonds are usually poor of in common stock. 2. When the issue of poor business, the company's share price changes can be difficult to break through the of the Bond Price, usually ended in failure, but basically the principal and interest of bonds or . If there fell back to the agreed of sale, investors usually buy back the right to exercise. Example for on, at the first n-based investors to sell in the exercise of the right, then: N 1 bonds amounted to years of income: R3 = 1 000 × [5% +1.5% × (n-1)]; a general revenue bond amount n years: R4 = 1 000 × 3% × n. So that R3 = R4, non-point gains obtained: n = 2.33 (year). In other words, if the to the sale of time shorter than 233 years, the bond is superior to the general bond ; if the to the sale of time longer than 2.33 years, or even has not been the emergence of the exercise should not Back to the sale of rights, bonds may be poor bonds in general. Therefore, this case of bond is usually better than the common stock . 3. When the of operating of the issuing company, which due to and , the company's value is zero, to lose invested. At this point, the principal amount of bonds and bonds in general, can only get partial , and other living in order to repay the secured creditor's rights after the mortgage, pre-interest income is also lower than the general bond. Therefore, this case of bond is superior to common stock in bad bond in general. This shows that investors select the following should be based on bonds: ① issued the company's operating despite a certain degree of , but more about the prospects. Such as the issuance of the company's operating has been steadily, should be directly invested in stocks; such as the operation of the issuing company are about the prospects, should invest in bonds in general. ② bond interest rates and bond interest rates in general should not differ too much, otherwise, too much loss of interest income to pay the high cost of the options. ③ with the terms of a premium to the sale, when the company's share price fell a serious issue, they can reduce the loss of investors. ④ the issuing company a higher credit rating, at least "Baa" level and above, because the safety of bonds is lower than the level of secured mortgage debt.







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下面是如何学习的问题,风险管理我没有考过,也不需要考了,所以我不好回答,审计我也是没掌握方法,所以也不回答,其他4科我来告诉你:其实很多人说考经济法,税法不需要会计基础,是个错误。首先是财管:并不像别人说的掌握公式就很容易考过,财管加客观题,要计算的是80分以上,学财管的底子是财务报表分析,成本会计,管理会计。其中成本计算肯定是年年都有的,这个是属于容易的题目,所以一定要会算。其次,通过历年的试卷看,财管的计算类型这么几个,容易的是财务报表分析,可持续增长率计算,最佳存货,最佳现金持有量,销售预算,风险计算,属于难的有期权股价,这个也是年年考,二叉树,斯科尔斯模型,肯定要知道,然后融资租赁,企业整体价值评估。10种类型的计算都要会,最基础的章节是年金,凡事考虑年限的,无非肯定是用到年金和风险的,其中数学最好是学过概率,你像风险计算中的标准差,方差,相关系数,全部是概率到财管的具体运用。经济法:经济法有点杂,归纳的东西多,归纳完之后,还有其他零散的.1.归纳时间,这个是第一章,诉讼期限,肯定会考。还有比如多少日登记,多少日见报,多少日发出公告,等等,破产法,公司法合并分立会提及。2.归纳表决方式,合伙企业法,公司法,破产法,物权法,都会有。3.归纳组织形式,比如董事会,监事会,股东会的,这些合伙企业法,外商法,公司法,破产法,物权法都会有。4.归纳人事任免制度,比如公司法独立董事,比如破产法管理人,都会有。5.归纳能否对抗善意第三人,这个物权法有。6.归纳其他数字,这个很重要的。重点章节往往是公司法,证券法,合同法,破产法,物权法。这些章节也容易结合。税法:而税法不同.因为你看税法,出题就有很对性,计算题都是出税种,叫你算多少税,分值比例较高,所以你如果计算做得好,考80分都容易,我这么告诉你几点,你回去好好看看税法.税法从增值税,除了个人所得税和企业所得税外,书上黑体字,都是按照这么一个顺序.1.各个税的概念2.征税对象,纳税义务人.3.计税基础,这个是计算的关键,哪些要计税,哪些要剔除,哪些算组价,你列一张表.4.纳税时间,地点,税收优惠.你按照这4样,再归纳第5个.5.与房子有关的税,你看历年试卷,年年都会考到.你这么一归纳,税法顶多归纳出30页4A的纸,肯定能过了.会计:会计我一直头疼,把最难得看了,但是今年放水,考些不看的地方,但是会计也要有财管的基础,第二章金融资产就需要财管,未确认融资收益,所以学会计必须有底子,有中级财务会计的底子,有财务报表分析,税务的知识。学会计我的归纳不到家,但是还是必须说,各个章节的联系,金融资产,投资性房地产,非货币性资产交换,长期股权投资都是有着联系,所以这几章要学好。然后财务报表,合并财务报表,所得税会计是难点。归纳有以下这么几点:因为会计其实是考你的会计准则问题,很详细的,所以首先要1.归纳会计科目核算内容2.归纳以什么价值核算,你比如历史成本,公允价值,到底是什么价值。3.归纳相同点,比如哪些要提减值准备,哪些可以冲回,哪些不可以冲回。4.对比,资产对比负债,对比所有者权益。5.共性,资产里面的,比如金融资产的可供出售金融资产,持有至到期的资产,共同与差异,金融资产与投资性房地产的共性。审计我没学好。 开通期权的门槛是联系二十个交易日,日均五十万。你可以到我们的柜台开,就在成都。期权默认手续费是15元一张。我可以给你五元一张,量大低至两元一张。为了冲业绩 第一步,开户资料准备股票网上开户需要三项基本材料:· 本人身份证· 手机· 银行借记卡。另外最好是WIFI环境,下载APP和视频验证都需要耗费一定的流量,不过现在流量也不贵,土豪请随意。


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就在上周NMN概念突然在A股火了起来。7月9日,金达威的董秘在互动平台表示:“在美国工厂生产的Doctor’s Best NMN-烟酰胺单核苷酸NAD抗衰老逆龄,已经上市销售,天猫旗舰店目前售价1599元/瓶。”这个消息也引发了资本市场的热捧,金达威的股价也被投资者热炒。7月9日-16日,金达威连续5个交易日涨停,市值暴涨97.88亿元。

根据金达威消息,其NMN产品由美国全资子公司VitaBest Nutrition,Inc.(以下简称VB公司)生产、由美国控股(96.11%)子公司DRB出品。
