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瑞银普惠 目录 1、 瑞银普惠简介 2、 普惠公司历史 瑞银普惠(UBS Painewebber)瑞银普惠(UBS Painewebber)



  2001年,瑞士联合银行集团的最大动作是以120亿美元的价格完成对美国闻名的投资银行普惠公司(Painewebber)的收购,并将其改组为瑞银普惠(UBS Painewebber)。

  普惠是一家老牌的投资银行,在美国紧跟高盛、美林、摩根士丹利和jp摩根,是美国证券市场公认的一级交易商(主要以市政债券承销,municipal bond underwriting),在资产治理和证券经纪等方面犹有盛名。瑞士联合银行集团的此举无疑进一步扩展和巩固了它在利润丰厚的美国投资银行领域的地位。由于对瑞士联合银行集团前景看好,收购消息公布的当天,普惠的股票就上涨了40%。当然,此次购并也给瑞士联合银行集团的治理层带来一个重大的难题,就是怎样有效地整合旗下的瑞银华宝和瑞银普惠两大投资银行,从而减少由于内部的矛盾和摩擦形成的内耗。

  2005年6月,瑞银集团正式发布公告,公布了所有业务采用统一品牌的策略,其中包括瑞银普惠和瑞银华宝,都将划归单一的ubs品牌名下。原有的四大业务品牌:瑞银华宝(ubs warburg)(投资银行业务)、瑞银普惠(ubs painewebber)(投资银行业务)、瑞士银行私人银行(ubs private banking)(私人银行和资产治理业务)、瑞银环球资产治理(ubs global asset management)(国际业务)将重组为以瑞银(ubs)命名的三大业务:瑞银财富治理(ubs wealth management)、瑞银环球资产治理(ubs global asset management)及瑞银投资银行(ubs investment bank)。瑞士联合银行集团在全球发起了题为“四个同一”的公司形象广告。正式公布放弃华宝和普惠两大品牌。这一决定反映出该公司已决意打造能匹敌花旗集团(citigroup)和汇丰控股(hsbc)的全球金融服务品牌。


  Controlled by the Paine family, in the 1920s, Paine, Webber %26amp; Co. entered the investment banking business. After nearly fifty years at the head of the company, the successful and wealthy William A. Paine died just weeks before the Wall Street Crash of 1929. His son, F. Ward Paine became head of the firm and the difficult years during the Great Depression of the 1930s saw Paine Webber merge with a brokerage firm owned by Charles Cabot Jackson and Laurence Curtis, creating "Paine, Webber, Jackson %26amp; Curtis" on June 29, 1942. The combined operation had twenty-three offices and with their greater asset base were a significant force in the New England financial market.

  The partnership eventually reverted to the Paine, Webber name and in 1955 the last member of the Paine family to run the company died. At the time, Paine Webber was the fourth largest brokerage firm in the United States. Because of the importance of Wall Street, in 1963 the Board of Directors made the decision to move corporate headquarters to New York City. In 1972, Paine Webber became a publicly traded company, its shares listed on the New York Stock Exchange. With profitable growth and capital raised from its IPO, the company was able to make significant acquisitions over the ensuing two decades, most notably that of "Mitchell Hutchins" in 1977 which provided them with a major equity research base, plus "Blyth, Eastman Dillon %26amp; Co." in 1979.

  By 1980 Paine Webber had 161 branch offices in 42 states and six offices in Asia and Europe. 1995 saw a significant expansion with the acquisition of the brokerage firm,Kidder,Peabody %26amp; Co. With a significant nationwide presence, and operating as PaineWebber Group Inc., by late 2000 they were the fourth largest private client firm in the United States with 385 offices employing 8554 brokers.
