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巴拉萨—萨缪尔森效应概述   巴拉萨—萨缪尔森效应是由Balassa(1964)与Samuelson(1964)首次提出的。  巴拉萨—萨缪尔森效应(简称巴萨效应)是指在经济增长率越高的国家,工资实际增长率也越高,实际汇率的上升也越快的现象。当贸易产品部门(制造业)生产效率迅速提高时,该部门的工资增长率也会提高。国内无论哪个产业,工资水平都有平均化的趋势,所以尽管非贸易部门(服务业)生产效率提高并不大,但是其他行业工资也会以大致相同的比例上涨。这会引起非贸易产品对贸易产品的相对价格上升。我们假定贸易产品(按外汇计算)的价格水平是一定的话,这种相对价格的变化在固定汇率的条件下,会引起非贸易产品价格的上涨,进而一起总体物价水平(贸易产品与非贸易产品的加权平均)的上涨。如果为了稳定国内物价而采取浮动汇率的话,则会引起汇率的上升。无论哪种情况都会使实际汇率下降。  在思考汇率的中长期趋势时,本国货币与内外通货膨胀之差按比例折扣以后的(相对)购买力平价是一项可参考的指标。购买力平价成立,意味着实际汇率保持一定。但我们不能忽视下面两种力量的效果,它们使汇率偏离购买力平价,使实际汇率发生变动。一是巴萨效应,即越是增长率高的国家,实际工资的上涨率也就越高,受此影响,实际汇率的上涨率也就越高。另一个是贸易条件(出口产品对进口产品的相对价格)的变化。在其他条件保持一定的情况下,贸易条件的恶化意味着实际汇率的下跌。  The Balassa-Samuelson hypothesis states that, countries with higher rate of economic growth will have higher growth rate of real wages, and the real exchange rate will rise faster.  Economic activities include two categories: tradable- manufacturing and services that are ready to supply for long distance; and non-trade - hairdressing, childcare and so forth. With economic development, productivity in the former is often faster than the latter. When the production efficiency of trade products sector (manufacturing) increases rapidly, the wage rate of the department will increase. The wage levels of the overall domestic industries have a average tendency, the wages of non-tradable sectors (services) will rise by roughly the same proportion despite their improvement of production efficiency is not as great as trade sectors. This will lead to a rise of relative price between non-trade products and traded goods. We assume that the price level of trade products (in foreign exchange rates) is fixed, such a change in relative prices under fixed exchange rate would lead to the rise of non-traded goods prices, and thus the increase of the overall price of products (trade goods and non-trade product weighted average). If floating exchange rate is taken in order to stabilize domestic prices, the exchange rate will rise. Both situations will cause the rise of real exchange rate and real depreciation of their currencies.  The establishment of purchasing power parity means that the real exchange rate remains the same in the long run. But the Balassa-Samuelson hypothesis reminds us not to ignore the effect of the following two forces that make the exchange rate deviation from purchasing power parity and make the actual exchange rate change. First, countries with higher growth have higher rate of real wage growth, which makes the real exchange rate grow faster. Second, the condition of trade, or the relative price of export goods to import goods, does change. Ceteris paribus, deteriorating terms of trade means that the real exchange rate value of the domestic currency will fall. 巴拉萨一萨缪尔森效应的基本前提   “巴拉萨一萨缪尔森效应”的基本前提是,在小国开放经济中,假定生产要素为资本(K)与劳动(L),生产可贸易品(T)与不可贸易品(N)两种产品,其中可贸易品在国际市场上被定价,不可贸易品在国内市场上被定价。假定资本可以在各国、各部门间自由流动,而劳动只能在一国国内的不同部门间流动。 巴拉萨—萨缪尔森效应基本结论   基本结论有三个:  (1)对于小国开放经济来说,工资完全是由可贸易品部门的生产率决定的;  (2)不可贸易品的相对价格由可贸易品部门与不可贸易品部门的生产率差异决定。当不可贸易品是劳动密集型时,则可贸易品部门的生产率的相对提高将带来不可贸易品相对价格的提高;  (3)如果一国相对生产率提高幅度高于另一国,则该国的实际汇率将升值。 巴拉萨—萨缪尔森效应观点   具体地说,“巴拉萨一萨缪尔森效应”的思想可以逻辑性地由五个逐渐推进的分论点完整加以表述。  (1)当存在贸易限制时,在考虑运输成本的范围内,可贸易品的价格通过汇率达到一致。  (2)在价格等于边际成本的假定下,不同国家可贸易品部门的工资水平差异将与这一部门的生产率水平差异相对应,同时一国内部的劳动力流动将使得每个经济体内部工资均等。  (3)服务部门与可贸易部门相比,国际问的生产率差异较小,在各国内部工资均等化的作用下,生产率较高的国家服务业价格水平将更为昂贵。  (4)因为服务业进入到了购买力平价的计算之中,但是并不直接影响汇率,两国货币的购买力平价水平,在用较高生产率的国家的货币为单位衡量时,将低于均衡的汇率水平。  (5)两国间可贸易品部门的劳动生产率差异越大,工资与服务业价格的差异就越大,相应的购买力与均衡汇率水平之间的缺口就越大 巴萨效应在中国的反应   中国的情况违反了巴萨假说。尽管中国实现了高速增长,但是人民币汇率跌幅超过了国内通货膨胀的差距,实际汇率也大幅度下跌。这反映了中国在广大农村地区拥有太多的剩余劳动力,因此生产率的提高并未引起实际工资的上升。  进而,中国贸易条件的恶化也导致了人民币实际汇率的降低。这主要是因为中国现在放弃了计划经济下的重工业政策,转而更多生产劳动密集型产品,其结果导致国际市场上的劳动密集型产品的供给增大,同时,对技术和资本密集型的需求也在增加(用于弥补中国国内生产减少的部分)。这种供求关系的变化带来了劳动密集型产品对技术和资本密集型产品相对价格的下降,进而导致中国贸易条件的恶化。受此影响,人民币的实际汇率长期来一直在下跌。
