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Dual Currency Bond

英文名称:Dual Currency Bond 中文名称:双货币债券以一种货币付利息,另一种货币偿还本金的债券,前者货币通常是债券购买者所在国家的货币,后者则通常是美元或债券发行者所在国家的货币。投资人通常可获得较市场水平高的票面利率,同时也可能要承受一定的外汇风险。
A debt instrument in which the coupon and principal payments are made in two different currencies. The currency in which the bond is issued, which is called the base currency, will be the currency in which interest payments are made. The principal currency and amount are fixed when the bond is issued. 

Dual currency bonds are subject to exchange rate risk. If the currency in which the principal will be repaid appreciates, the bondholder will make money; if it depreciates, he or she will lose money. Investors can use dual currency swaps, which have a fixed exchange rate at issuance, to offset the exchange risk of dual currency bonds.
