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比利时亨利物流公司简介   ABX Logistics是一家总部位于比利时的跨国物流企业,目前在30多个国家分布了375家分支机构,10000多名雇员。加上代理,服务网络范围基本上已经延伸到了世界的每一个地区。   在全球较大的物流企业中,ABX相对而言是比较年轻的一家,近年来这个企业发展的速度比较快,和欧洲其他老牌物流企业相比,ABX灵活性强,相对比较有活力。   ABX在意大利的机构称为“SAIMA AVANDERO", 是业界翘楚,已经在意大利经营了200多年,意大利最重要的物品例如文物,军火,大型设备都使用SAIMA AVANDERO来承运;ABX在德国以服务优良著称,在西班牙、法国等其他欧洲国家的服务网络也非常完善。   ABX在美国,加拿大,已经布下了10多个分公司,在东南亚,中东,非洲的一些主要国家建立了分公司,小一点的国家使用经过仔细考察的优秀代理。 公司历史   ABX LOGISTICS was established in 1993 as a domestic transport company, part of the Belgian railway SNCB/NMBS.   In the three years from 1998 to 2001, it made the quantum leap from a Belgian company to an international concern. The international expansion of ABX LOGISTICS’ own network and diversification took place via acquisitions in France (Dubois, Testud, Delagnes), Germany (THL/Bahntrans), Italy (Saima Avandero), etc.   In 2005 its turnover totalled approx. 2.5 billion euros.   The ABX LOGISTICS Group is one of the leading logistics players strongly represented in the core industrial and commercial countries. Following intensive expansion through acquisitions, the Group has rapidly gained unique network coverage and recognition.   In August 2006 3i, Europe’s leading private equity company, third party funds advised by 3i and the Management of ABX LOGISTICS acquired the shares of ABX LOGISTICS Worldwide from the Belgian Railways (SNCB Holding).
